Chapter 2

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       You checked the time on your phone. 1:00 a.m. Time really does slow down when you're running for your life, doesn't it? You didn't really know how to feel about what had just happened, all you knew is that you enjoyed it, despite how absolutely crazy that was in hindsight.

     Looking up at the robot beside you, you take note about how absolutely huge he was compared to you. He really made you feel short. You took note of the stunning scenery surrounding you. Neon lights on shiny black walls and floors reflected as a kaleidoscope in your eyes, dazzling you. Heavy footsteps rang out, bouncing off the high ceilings.

     "Hey, Couyon. I'm talking to you." Monty said, snapping his claws in front of your face. It broke you out of whatever trance you were in.

     "OH, um, yeah? Sorry!" You stuttered.

    "I said how'd you like to meet the rest of the band?"

     "Weren't they trying to kill me for trespassing earlier?" You replied. He laughed.

    "I can explain your situation. They'll understand."

       You sure hoped so. The two of you continued to walk past after-hours security and cleaning bots. The plex sure was huge. Sprawling hallways lay in front of you at every turn. Every time you'd process the scenery, something new would catch your eye.

        "Staff only!" A higher voice called out from behind you. You turned around to see Glamrock Chica speeding toward you. You croaked, completely startled. Monty picked you up with one arm and put you over his shoulder.

       "Hey, Chica, you can cool it. They're fine. Unintentional straggler." He said. You squirmed, trying to get back down. The gator set you down beside him and turned back to his friend.

      "Well hello! Sorry about that! Intruder protocols and all. What's your name, doll?" Can all the robots here switch moods so quickly, or was that just her? In all honesty, you hoped so.

      "Y/N." You said, catching your breath and reaching out to shake her hand. She took it eagerly with a sweet smile.

     "Well I'm sure you know who I am!" She giggled.

     "Yeah. You and the others. Got to know one of 'em real well." You muttered that last part. Chica disregarded it.

     "Hey, where's the rest of the gang?" Monty asked, looking around. Chica shrugged.

     "I'd check the rest of the atrium. Or maybe Rockstar Row. Roxy might be too busy with her mirror to look for this one." She gestured toward you. Monty laughed.

      "Maybe you're the real reptile here because that-" he paused to lower his sunglasses. "-Was cold-blooded." You snorted in laughter. Dad jokes? That was the last thing you were expecting from the robot that just chased you down and rocked your shit. The gator smiled, clearly proud of himself for that. Chica rolled her eyes and walked off.

     Monty gestured with his head to go on, and the two of you continued to Rockstar Row. Four green rooms lined one of the walls of the vast corridor. Your footsteps echoed against the high ceiling as you looked around at all the golden statues.

     "Hey!" A voice called from afar. It was Roxanne walking toward you, calmly. That was weird; Monty didn't explain your situation to her yet. At least, not to your knowledge. You managed a small wave. The wolf continued in your direction. As you glanced over at Monty, you noticed his eye roll at his bandmate.

     "I can see through your glasses, you know." She said, cocking an eyebrow at Monty.

     "I didn't think you could see anything besides your mirror." He remarked, flashing a toothy grin. You attempted to hide your face, which was contorted in an effort to not laugh.

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