Chapter 2

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The two trolls ran down the hallway at top speed, Leaf trying to murder Branch, as he ran for his life.

"Mom! Dad!" he cried out in hopes his parents would hear him and come to his rescue. "Help!"


Back in Branch's bedroom, Poppy and Synth had continued the game without their friend, becoming too impatient to wait for him to come back.

"AHHHHH!" a terrified scream suddenly sounded from out in the hall, Poppy turning just in time to see Branch run past the open doorway.

"Get back here, so I can kill you!" Leaf yelled out, running past the room in pursuit of her younger brother.

"Umm..." Poppy muttered softly, watching the now empty doorway in confusion. "Should we go help him?"

"No way, bro..." Synth responded, too focused on the game to notice his best friend was in danger. "We're almost to the boss level!"


"Ok, Árbol..." an older green troll said, seeming to be putting on the final touches of a large machine down in the basement of their family home. "Just a few more adjustments and I'm... AHHH!"

A sudden zap of electricity, and the green troll went flying backwards, slamming roughly into the wall behind him.

"Done..." he groaned softly, laying on the floor with his eyes closed.
"And that's why you're not an electrician, honey..." a purple troll around the same age said, reaching out a hand to help her husband back up to his feet

"Actually..." he objected, rubbing his head a bit before accepting his wife's help. "I'm not an electrician because I have a way cooler job. Maybe it doesn't pay a lot... yet! But it will, once they see my latest creation... the..."

"AHHHHH!" both adults suddenly heard, followed by the sound of tiny footsteps running down the stairs at full speed. "Mom! Dad!"

"Ugh..." both parents groaned in annoyance, instantly recognizing the sound of their twelve year old son's voice. "Their fighting again..."

"Mom!" the little voice yelled out again, the basement door suddenly flying open to reveal Branch running into the room. "Dad! Help! She's gonna kill me!"

Quickly, the young child ran behind his parents for protection, Leaf running in soon after.

"I'm gonna kill him!" she yelled out, scanning the room for her brother, who she quickly spotted behind the two adults, hiding like the little coward he was.

"Leaf..." the older purple troll said in a firm voice, placing her hand gently on her son's head as he hugged his little arms around her leg for protection. "What have we told you about tormenting your little brother?"

"He threw his dumb game controller at me!" she yelled, pointing an accusing finger at Branch.

"Branch..." the older green troll said, turning to look at his son. "Is that true?"
"Well... yeah..." Branch admitted softly. "But only cuz she snapped it in half," he defended in a whimper of fear and sadness.

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