Outside he could watch the vision of the garden, a mix between contrasting colors like purple and pink, while a crescent green standed like a carpet for meters of distance.

The sky was heavily blue, no clouds, and a shiny sun.

That would be a perfect day to only hang out arond the city, stop by a café, order a croissant, and maybe shop an expensive perfume.

But today, he was leaving Paris.

The flight would be in 2 hours, with that goal in mind, Rowan hushed to the bathroom, and after it, to his closet. And what a closet, someone could even get lost inside of it from how big and full of stuff it was.

From Armani to Gucci, the collection was just a tiny prove of how much Rowan had.

Preapared to go, he stopped by the mirror, a crescent fear inside of him appeared, wich he tried to ignore.

"It's been so long" he thought.

10 years to be exact. The last time he was in the USA he was only 11. Now, he'd be back, a young and promiscing entrepeneur of France.

After a deep breath, and the poor tentative of freeing the butterflies inside his stomach, Rowan went downstairs, where all of his preparatives would be awaiting for his trip.


-The limo will soon be here, master Rowan.-One man announced as he waited outside.

-No problem.-He replied, as the man leaved.

Thr air was fresh when he received tgat call. The sudden voice of his uncle through the line was rigid, cold, and imponent as ever.

-Yes.-He confirmed- i'm waiting now.- The man continued- Don't worry, I won't distract myself. Leave this with me.-And with some last words, he finished the call.- I promise.

The car had arrived, the dark limo with a serious driver awaited to take him to his private jet.

Before going, Márie stopped the young man.

-Rowan.-She spoke with kindness- Fais attention mon chérie.

She touched his shoulder, even though her desire was to give a strong, motherly hug, but that wouldn't be possible woth the other employees around.

-Ne t'inquiète pas.  Je peux prendre soin de moi.- He replied with his sophisticated french.- Be safe Márie.

-You too, Rowan.

Three steps and he entered the limo, a silence that continued as he observed his home more and more distant, as Márie waved at him, her figure disappearing with the landscape as well.

Soon, the french aesthetic would be replaced with the modern and wild, United States' one.


It was possible to hear many sounds at the same time. High heels echoing in the polished floor, different conversations, employees with plates, while a polite orchestra continued in a syncronized rythm.

The saloon was decorated softly and luxuriously as she walked in, blinded by the high illumination and bright long dresses.

An event like those wasn't Kates' favorite to be honest, she'd rather be anywhere else actually, specially at home, maybe watching Friends with a bowl full of salty popocorn.

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