8 - The Wedding : The Past and The Present

Start from the beginning

"She's checking the venue for today's event, you know how she is", his mom's said while shaking her head.

True though, Ming is a perfectionist just like War, and today's event is the opening of her wedding week so War understood his sister just wanted everything to be perfect. Ming had chosen to hold a simple tea party in the vast garden that the resort has. By the second and third day, only the family of bride and groom and some close acquaintance are present but they weren't familiar with each other so Ming thought this is gonna be a good opportunity to mingle and get to know each other. War wondered since when did the tradition of weddings that last for days started in his family, because he is not a fan of the idea. Just one day wedding ceremony already sounds exhausting in War's mind.

"Here", Yin's voice pulled War out of his trace, "And here's your coffee"

"T-thanks", War eyed the plate of on toast breakfast that Yin just got for him and kinda impressed how he remembered his preference, even the cup of coffee on the side was to his liking.

"How do you even know his preference, hia?", Nino said, eyeing War's plate.

"Well," Yin smiled, glancing at War and saw a small blush had decorated the smaller man's cheek. "Boyfriend's duty, right baby?"

Yin stopped the sneaky elbow attack that he knew War would do after the pet name and whispered, "Your parents are here you know, don't make them start suspecting us"

"Fine" War said, through gritted teeth but War Wanarat refused to lose.

A sneaky peck on Yin's cheek was made and surprised not only Yin but also the whole table.

"Thanks", War said and then put on a perfect show of being bashful for kissing his boyfriend in front of the parents, "Oh, sorry mae, phor"

"Ah ah, eat your breakfast son, we don't have all the time in the world", War's mom said, though she was practically scolding his son, her smile told him that she wasn't mad at all.

War looked at Yin who had froze and wiped an invisible dirt on the corner of his lip, "Eat your breakfast babe", War said with a victory smile that practically said, 'I won this time Anan'

Yin who had been stunned from the surprised kiss then smirked and started his breakfast while his mind already running in excitement.

'So this is how you play Wanarat. Sure, two can play in this game kitten'


You would've thought that a tea party would take some simple preparation given the simple event but of course it wasn't the case when it comes to Ming. War knew his sister had always been a perfectionist, so of course a simple tea party would turned into a a hectic one. After breakfast, War got dragged by her to help with the decoration, 'aren't you an architect?' was what she said, so here he was sorting flowers and arranging them.

Well, there goes Yin's plan to tease War after that kiss. He meant to 'help' and followed War but Ming asked Yin to help Nino taking some footage for her wedding vlog with the drone and Yin couldn't refuse her.

"Oh, that looks beautiful, of course the famous architect, War Wanarat", Ming came up from behind War, inspecting the arc that War just decorated with flowers.

"Why can't you just hire a professionals for these things Phi. I design buildings y'know, these type of things aren't my usual line of works", War protested, feeling like he had been used by his sister.

"Aww, you've done great though, look at these beautiful arcs! Why should I hire more people if I have a genius architect nong!", Ming said happily.

"Cheapskate", War pouted, but with no malice. War would happily decorate venues for his sister if she asked, she's one of War's precious family member after all.

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