Vacation Lovers

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"Luna get your ass in the car right now!"
"Chill I'm coming!" I can't believe I'm 19 years old and I'm being forced to go on this stupid fucking vacation. It's the last week of summer and I just want to spend it with my friends.
"Packing took you long enough. Now you better put a smile of your face and enjoy this family trip. Your dad spent a lot of money on it."
"Well since I'm forced to be with you guys for a week I had a lot of clothes to pack. Sorry you had to wait so long Chrissy but you have four hours to cry about it."
"Both of you stop arguing we haven't even got on the rode yet."
"It's not even like we're family anyway the only person I'm related to in this car is Dad."
"Luna that's enough, I don't want to hear another negative thing come out of your mouth."
Luna stuck in her headphones and drowned out the voice of her stepmom and annoying little stepsister.
The drive dragged on and on until they finally reached SunStar Motel in Daytona Florida. This was the grossest motel she has even seen. Anytime she looked down at the ground there would be a new animal running across the floor from cockroaches to mice.
"I would actually rather sleep in the car."
"Well that's fine I wouldn't mind having the room alone with your Dad and my daughter, Zoey." Chrissy said with an evil smirk
"Not like I wanted to share a bed with grimy Zoey anyways. I'll gladly take the car."
Lunas Dad just watched them give each other evil stares as he sadly knew he wouldn't be spending much time with Luna this trip.
"Come on guys let's just put our stuff in the room. Luna there's not enough room for you to sleep and have your stuff in the car so put it upstairs. You will have to come in to shower anyways."
"Fine but that's the only time I will be in there."
They walk into the room and the absolute worst smell immediate floods there noses. It smells like a mixture of old cigarettes, cherries, and dog shit.
"Oh yeah no way I'm staying here."
Luna threw her stuff down and marched outside. She stood leaning over the railing letting the hot sun warm her skin. That was one thing she loved about the beach the warm sun and air. It brought her some kind of comfort like everything was going to be ok and like nothing mattered. She loved people watching. She watched a bunch of families unload there cars and go to there rooms. She hated the nasty motels her dad always got but she couldn't help but like the outside hallways where she could people watch. She stood out there for a while inhaling her pink Hyde while making up names for the people that walked below her. That's when a guy with shaggy brown hair caught her eye. His brown hair had some highlights in it, you could tell he was a surfer. He looked about 6 feet tall and had nice lean muscles. His face was shaped so perfectly and Luna couldn't help but stare. She decided to name him Zack. She watched him walk to his room as saw he was on the first floor. She thought to herself, maybe this trip won't be so bad.
After inhaling her pizza to avoid being with her family long, Luna decided to walk to the shop across the street. She had looked up a bar walking distance from her motel and decided that where she would be going every night. She gets to the shop and looks around the store for something cute to wear. She needed something to catch the eyes of men so she could get free drinks. Luna was a very independent women but she would never say no to a clueless guy offering her a free drink. Luna was very pretty with long dark hair that complimented her green eyes. She also had very tan skin and long model like legs. So it was pretty easy to catch the attention of any guy. She finds the perfect sage green dress that hugged her in all the right places. She runs back to the motel, slips on her dress paired with her black strappy sandals, touches up her makeup, grabs her phone and fake Id, the hurries out the door. The bar was about a five minute walk. Walking down the street she felt excited and new this was going to be a good night.
Once she gets to "Flamingo Bar" she picks a seat at the bar with two seats open next to her to make herself seem inviting. She knew all the tricks in the book, the last time she paid for a drink she was still in the womb. Not even five minutes go by when this guy who looks to be about 25 sits nexts to her and asks her name. His name was Liam and he was there on vacation with some of his college friends. His friends had left the bar early so her told Luna that if she was his friend for the night her would put all her drinks on his tab. Since this guy was attractive and her offered to get her drinks all night she agreed. Luna immediately ordered a blue motorcycle and the conversations began flowing. They got along so well and she actually enjoyed his company instead of trying to find a way to run away from the guy which is what she normally does. They had been talking for about an hour now and Luna was on her third drink so she was feeling pretty good. At this point she didn't know if Liam was actually interesting or if she was just at the point where she found any conversation entertaining. As there talking Luna notices a guy enter the bar. It was the same guy she saw at the motel, Zack. They make eye contact, Luna looks away then back at him and he's still staring. Luna knows this boy is gonna be a good time. The boy comes and sits beside Luna. But she's turned to face Liam so she can't see him anymore. He orders a shot of tequila, strong choice. Liam goes to the bathroom so Luna takes this opportunity to turn towards the bar and order another drink. She orders a shot of tequila too.
"You don't take me for a tequila drinker."
"You inspired me, let's take it together."
They both down the shots. Luna watches with  straight face as he exhales deeply.
"Whose not much of a tequila drinker now."
"Alright next ones on me."
They take another. Now Luna has two fine men buying her drinks. They start talking and she finds out his real name is Seth. They find out they are staying at the same hotel, Luna acts as if she didn't already know that. After talking for thirty minutes Seth suggest they go to the hot tubs at the motel. Luna agrees because if she has another drink she's going to have an awful hangover the next morning. Seth goes to the bathroom first and Luna waits for him outside.
"Uh that guy you were talking to earlier is passed out in the bathroom."
"He'll be fine he lives there, now let's go."
Seth carries Luna on his back to the motel. He smelt so good like the ocean and a nice cologne. They arrive at the motel but they both can't go in there rooms to get bathing suits on because they will wake up there parents. So they in with there underwear and Luna in her bra. It's not like they were sober enough to care either way. Seth goes in the water and drags Luna in by her waist. He carries her in the water then places her on his lap. They talk for a little then they meet each other's eyes, Seth grabs in her face and they both go in for a kiss. They start making out and Luna gets up to straddle him. The taste of tequila lingers on there tongues. Luna starts grinding on his hard dick. She can feel it and notices it's pretty big. Seth starts inching his fingers closer and closer to her vagina making her want it even more. He then slips his fingers inside and has her moaning in his mouth. He starts rubbing on her clit so good that she can barley kiss him anymore.  He then slips her over so she's against the wall and he goes down under the water. He slips her bottoms off and starts eating her out. She's never had anything feel this good especially while he's under the water. He comes up for air and takes off her top. He stares at her beautiful tits then starts giving her hickeys on them. She pulls his pants down and starts moving her hand around his big cock while he sucks on her boobs. He then slips his dick inside but only halfway. She lets out a soft moan. He then puts it in all the way and he has to cover her mouth with his hand. It hurt but it hurt so good. He started banging her pussy harder and harder. She scratched her nails up and down his strong back. He then started rubbing her clit. As he would pound faster he would rub faster. She didn't care if anyone heard she just couldn't contain her noises anymore. She was moaning  so hard and was out of breath. They both start breathing so hard as they are about to finish. They finish at the same time and she feels his cum fill up her pussy. She stares into his eyes and thinks she's in love. They make out some more. They finally get out of the hot tub. Seth sleeps with Luna in her car and holds her all night. They don't sleep but just lay there talking and watching the stars out of the sun roof. It becomes daylight light and they get out of the car to go walk to breakfast. Luna's pussy is so sore. As they walk past the gated hot tub they see kids and there parents playing in it. They both smirk at each other as they know they are going to do it again and again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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