17 | Can't take the ache from heartbreak

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I head directly for the pandemonium set where I see her, chatting closely with Sheehan. But before I have any chance of even shouting her name and am scurried off by a hoard of makeup artists. You have got to be fucking kidding me.

As soon as the makeup artist declares me for finished. I charge out of the crowded trailer, turning over my stool in the process.

I see her again, her red hair bouncing innocently, still chatting intensely with Sheehan. What she is shagging him too?

"Skye!" I shout, but my voice is muffled by a clatter of iron hitting the ground cement ground, and the buzzing of people.

Then suddenly someone grabs my shoulder, " Jamie, stop screaming for no reason," I stare it's the director, " we're running late, so get ready. We start in one minute."

I look like a shadowhunter, all runed up. Hair on point. Black clothes and all seraph blades in their designated holsters. I feel like screaming. Screaming and shouting at Skye. I look around everything is buzzing. I try to get to Skye, but find my way blocked by ladder-carries and crew people with ridiculously long props every time. Could they just stop for a second and let me pass?!

And before I know it I hear the director shout.

"ACTION!" everything went dead quite. Patrick stands beside me as Alec, his dark brown hair now coloured ink black. Evelyn on the other side, long black hanging down her back, white dress and 7 inch stiletto boots, Isabelle.

Skye in front of me as clary. Red curly hair. Printed tee shirt. Loose jeans. A jacket and combat boots. She looks so innocent. It makes my temper flare hot.

From a distant place I hear Patrick say is first line. I know I need to say something, but I can't for the life of me remember what. All I want to do is yell at Skye. Then suddenly she stares at me. I know I need to say something now.

"CUT!" the director shouts, "Jamie, what the hell is up with you?" he didn't wait for my answer, "Get it together. We go again in 3. 2. 1. ACTION!"

I get though the first couple lines with gritted teeth, my jaw clenching violently, glaring at Skye.

"CUT!" the director hollers again, "everybody take 30 minutes. Jamie, get it together, you're looking at Skye as if you want to kill her. Sort it out!" that is how his order sounds. And I follow suit. Thank you, mister.

I charge Skye gripping her wrist violently, dragging her with me. As much as I hate her, I will not have this conversation in public.

"Jamie, where are we going? What's going on-? Why are-?" she asks in a confused tone. I stop at a dark deserted corner turning swiftly to face her. I control myself, not to start shouting. Her eyes are big in confusion, her eyebrows scrunched together in wonderment.

"What's going on?!" I start, "I thought you could tell me! Did you really think shit like that stays hidden?" her face goes slack, her eyes wide.

"I didn't-"

"You didn't what? Kiss the guy?" I bellow in disbelief, not letting her get another lying cheating word out, "This time you can't possibly claim that? There are pictures all over twitter with you pressed against mister Hollywood fuck face! You can't possible want me to believe it was an accident? That he fell on your face as he leant forward? Seriously, Skye?!"

"Jamie,-" she began in a small voice, but I cut her off.

"No Skye listen. You're the biggest hypocrite I have ever met! You see me kissing someone else and pester me to death for it. But then you go right ahead and do the same fucking thing at the first given opportunity!" I am staring down at her angrily. My face heated and my blood boiling.

Looking for trouble | Vol. 2 | Jamie Bower fanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon