Emery grunts. “What? You messed up once and you cant have anyone watching you?”

“Drop it,” I hiss as I pull in my driveway. 

“Just tell me.” 

I take the keys out, grab my cheer bag, and face Emery. “You're not the only whose changed,” I snapped then angrily stepped out of the car and slammed the door shut. 

If Emery doesn’t tell me shit about him why does he expect me to just spill everything out on him? 

“How wa-!” mom stops taking as I slam the front door shut and stomp up the stairs. “dinner will be ready in 10!” she calls up. 

“Well hello to you too dearly,” Noah jokes with a smirk. I yank the xbox controller out of his hands and sit in the in the chair next to him, playing some lacrosse. 

“He watched you cheer, didn’t he?” Ross finally asks after minutes of silence.

“Sorry, Cedes, I should’ve remembered you had cheer after school. I would’ve dragged Emery to my car if I remembered.” Noah apologies. 

“Yeah and I would’ve helped for sure,” Matt adds. 

“Whatever,” I grumble. 

“So the FM playoff is next week, who signed up?” Chance asks. We all raised our hands. “who didn’t?” he wonders. 

“Todd, Jake, and Finn,” I reply. 

“Why isn’t Finn?” Noah asks as I deck him in the game. 

“Family affair or something like that,” I explain. Noah shrugs then starts running with the ball, I deck him, and Noah pushes me off the chair and scores. I sit back up in my chair. “you are such a cheater!” I exclaim. 

“Hey a win is a win.” I shove Noah and he shoves me, then I bite his hand. Noah’s eyes widen from pure shock and he’s stunned, then I burst into laughter. Soon, I’m decked to the floor and this time my eyes widen from shock. 

“Do you guys have something to share?” Chance asks. 

Noah and I look over at him then I shove Noah off my body. “What do you mean?” I ask with creased eyebrows. They all look at each other. 

“Are you two dating again?” Ross broadcasts. 

I look at Noah and Noah looks at me. “Um, no. Dude. We broke up like 3 months ago….” Noah answers. 

“There’s a lot more than friendly chemistry going on right now,” Cade explains with wiggling eyebrows. 

“Yeah, I mean a two year relationship just can’t be ignored,” Chance adds. 

“Not to mention popping the cherry, too.” Matt smirks. My eyes widen at the comment. 

“Its these things that come and bite couples in the ass,” Ross muses. 

Noah sighs, walks to the beanie bag, and grabs the controller. “We dated for two years, so what? We’ve moved on,” he states and the conversation is over. 

The real answer? Sometimes you can never really ‘move on’ with someone you love. 


I nod my head at Silver as she rushes towards me. 

“Guess what! Guess what! Guess whaaaat!” she screeches. 

“You’re a pilgrim?” I question. 

Silver shoves my shoulder back. “No, stupid. Guess who scored 8 tickets to see Hollywood Undead?” she sings. 

“Logan Lerman?” 

Silver looks at me with a blank look. “This girl!” she whines. 

“How?” I ask as I open my locker. 

“Called the radio like thirty times,” she chuckles. I chuckle and shake my head then grab my lunch bag. 

“Do you know if we’re eating in or outside today?” 

Silver shrugs. “Who knows.” I grunt then walk in the cafeteria to see Cade and Noah in the table we usually sit at. Silver and I walk over then take a seat, Noah and Cade nod at us then going back to their hushed conversation. I shrug and start eating my chicken that mom packed for me. 

“Okay we need a brilliant game plan apparently we’re facing the Panthers tomorrow,” Ross announces as he sits next to me. Noah’s and Cade’s hushed conversation stops and they look at Ross. 

“Noah can make one because I got to talk to Cedes for a minutes,” Cade says as he stands up. I crease my eyebrows but Cade nods towards the exit. I shrug then stand up, following Cade out of the cafeteria. 

“What’s up?” I question. 



Cade sighs and faces me. “Cedes, Chace was arrested last night.” 

I blink. “For what?” I ask. 


Emery had been right. I shouldn’t have trusted Chace. 


So you learned Noah and Cedes were once an item, didn't see that now did you ;) 

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