Antonio's Night

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Years later, your little brother, Antonio, has his turn to have his special night. As you prepare the house and greet guests as you mirror them, you have flashbacks from your own ceremony. After everything is almost done you find Camilo and sneak off with him. 

"What do you think his gift will be?" you ask.

"No idea, but if we want to find out we should probably find him first." he replies. 

"I guess so come one." you say as you run to find him in the nursery. Camilo creaks the door open slowly, and you see your cousin Mirabel in there talking to him under the bed. You give Camilo a look telling him to shut the door and leave them alone. They had a very strong relationship, and Mirabel needs to have some space today. She is the only one in the family without her gift, and her ceremony was only weeks after we accomplished what had never been done before and went through the same door. I planned on talking to her later, but for now I'd let her spend her last few minutes with Antonio before being alone in the nursery again. 

You could both hear you mom thundering downstairs, and decided you needed to escape the chaos and went to your room to watch a movie together. You picked out of the hat of your favorite movies and pulled out "West Side Story" which was both of your favorite. You put it on and turned into the characters singing all of the songs and dancing along. 

A/N: Soo I'm stupid and just realized I've been switching from first and second person pov sorry about that but from now on I'll try to keep it first person. If you notice any mistakes let me know please!! I also don't know how to get accent marks to type them, so I am fully aware they aren't there don't come for me. 

"I FEEL PRETTY OH SO PRETTY" Camilo screams at the top of his lungs while wrapping himself in his ruana as I crack up. 

Pepa's POV:

"These two oh my goodness" I think to myself walking past y/n and Camilo's room. They're almost always doing this with each other, but at least they're getting along.

"Come on goofballs we gotta go!! Abuela's all stressed out!" I yell at their door hoping they heard me. 

Y/N's POV:

"You know what would be so cool?" I ask Camilo as we start heading out after hearing mama telling us we had to go. 

"Me!" Camilo says puffing his chest out.

"No dipshit, if our room could turn into the set. It would make this so much more fun."

"Oh yea, I wish it would" Camilo says as the room begins shifting and changing.

"What the fuck is going on here!" I yell as Camilo hides his face in my hair. Then, the room has become Doc's drugstore from the movie. Our jaws drop to the floor as we stare at what happened. Unfortunately, we didn't have time to experiment. We ran out the door and went to find our parents and say good luck to Antonio. 

"Look at you, all grown up!" mama says a small rain cloud forming above her head.

"Pepa, amor, you're going to get him all wet" papa says shooing her cloud away.

"You're makin' your papa proud" Camilo says shapeshifting into papa and squeezing Antonio's face. 

"I don't sound like that" he snaps.

Then I turn into him and put my hands on my hips saying, "I don't sound like that" in a mocking voice in unison with Camilo. Papa grabs us both by the collars of our shirts as we yelp, "Alright, alright, we're done!!"

Antonio left to go upstairs with mama and papa, and Camilo and I went and stood with the rest of the family, but for some reason Mirabel wasn't there. I knew tonight would make her upset and I just wanted to know she felt just as special as the rest of us, but that would have to wait until Antonio had opened his door. I looked over and saw Camilo holding on to Tia Julieta for dear life as Luisa placed her hands on my shoulders. 

There he was. Antonio under the bright lights in his little white suit. I could see the nerves in his eyes and knew he was scared. I understood exactly how he felt. Then he looked to the side and reached his hand out to someone behind saying that he needs them. It has to be Mirabel I thought to myself. Everyone gasped as she came out from behind the flowered curtains. She grabbed Antonio's hand and walked him to his door. Camilo gave her a thumbs up and gave her finger guns and winked as she went by us. I could feel the tension between her and Abuela as she walked Antonio up the stairs. She shot Mirabel one final dirty look before looking down at Antonio and letting him touch the candle. I look up to see my mother clinging to my father trying so hard not to form a cloud as Antonio hesitates but then touches the doorknob.

I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding as I watch a bird fly to Antonio's side and cute little face looked like he had seen a ghost. Then he started giggling and talking to the bird. All of a sudden, 100's of animals came rushing into casita and to his room. 

"LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED" Camilo yells leading the crowd to Antonio's new room. 

This room was the most amazing thing I had ever seen, better than any of the other rooms in the whole house. It was like a jungle with a huge, majestic tree in the middle covered in moss and mushrooms that led up to his bed like stairs. The animals made themselves right at home and the leopard took Antonio on a joy ride around the place. The whole family was whooping a hollering as he came back, and the leopard tackled Mirabel's dad. 

"We need a picture!! Everybody come, come!!" Abuela says, and we all gather to take a picture. 

"LA FAMILIA MADRIGAL!" we all yelled as the picture was taken. After we dispersed again, I noticed Mirabel wasn't there and felt a ping on guilt for not realizing. I thought I heard some sort of commotion and banging downstairs but brushed it off thinking it was just the music or that someone dropped something. Then, Mirabel came back into the room, huffing and puffing as if she had just run ten marathons and climbed every flight of stairs in the empire state building. 

A/N: Sorry it took so long to update, I'm a very busy person and don't have a lot of time to write. I probably won't be able to put on more than one, maybe two, chapters a week, sorry :( 

Also, PEOPLE ARE ACTUALLY READING THIS WHAT! This was just one of those, I'm bored at midnight and have nothing better to do, type things. So, THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!

Reach out to me with any ideas for anything, sorry this chapter was a little boring. 

Have a great day/night!!

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