Sleeping with them (in the literal sense)

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Characters: Albedo, Diluc, Kaeya, Thoma, Venti, Xiao, Itto

Content: sfw, fluff, roasting Itto a little (lovingly)

Content: sfw, fluff, roasting Itto a little (lovingly)

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• The problem with Albedo is that he tends to pull all nighters and then gets up super early - Often times he goes to bed when you’re already asleep and is out before you
• However, he would do anything for you, so when you come up and ask him to come to bed already… Well, how could he refuse?
• He likes sleeping on his side, arms wrapped around you with your face nuzzled into his neck/ chest
• Beware of the messy hair tickling your face
• The only time he doesn’t get up early is when you’re so tangled up together that he couldn’t slip out without waking you - He would never want to disturb you. Those days he just silently watches you with a soft gaze
• Often times Klee sneaks into your room some time during the night as well, so you end up with her cuddled up between the two of you
• 100% would actually read you a bedtime story if you asked
• Often he also falls asleep on his desk… On those nights, you sometimes bring a blanket with you, pull a chair over and lean onto him, sleeping there instead… It’s not the best for avoiding neck pains, but it’s worth it


• Another case of “He stays out until late at night so you’re usually asleep before him”
• But he makes it up to you by waiting for you to wake up in the morning
• Sometimes he orders Adelinde to bring you breakfast so you can just enjoy a quiet morning together
• Not the cuddliest of people, but he’s willing to endure it for you
• Probably a pretty light sleeper, gets annoyed at your for moving around too much
• It’s like you’re sleeping right next to a heater when he’s around - Lovely during winter, less ideal for summers


• Is definitely the type of person to sleep naked/ just in underwear
• Which you don’t really mind, who wouldn’t appreciate waking up to their gorgeous boyfriend like that?
• Big soft chest = Perfect place to rest your head. Literally, you don’t even need a pillow
• You tend to sleep on him, which he actually really likes… He likes wrapping his arms around you
• Takes the eyepatch off when he sleeps, but somehow always manages to put it back on before you wake up/ turn away without you seeing anything
• Definitely the type to wake up next to you, give you a crooked grin and say something cheeky like “Morning, sunshine!”


• You get to have a freshly made bed and fluffed-up pillows every night because Thoma is just perfect like that
• You don’t just get “breakfast in bed” - You get a whole brunch event with Thoma. Coffee, pancakes, fruit… Whatever you want, he’s gonna whip it up for you in no time
• Probably moves around quite a lot in his sleep
• Always ends up lying draped over you
• He definitely likes to cuddle you to sleep
• Also wakes you up with kisses peppered all over your face
• He’s usually pretty exhausted cuz he’s on his feet all day, so he’s out like a light the moment his head hits the pillow


• Venti is the absolute worst blanket thief you’ve ever seen
• Like, he’ll wrap himself up in the blanket so tight that you have no chance of getting it back from him
• Moves around like crazy while he sleeps too
• Actually a pretty deep sleeper, nothing can wake him up
• Likes it when you put your arms around him and hold him until he falls asleep
• He’d totally sing you lullabies every night.


• Xiao pretty much cages you up in his arms, he’s super protective of you
• Super light sleeper, he wakes up at the smallest sound
• Probably has a tendency to wake up from pretty bad nightmares, sitting up straight in a cold sweat
• Whenever that happens, you hug him until he has calmed down, stroking his back, maybe even humming a song to him
• When you go back to sleep after that, it’s usually Xiao lying in your arms and you stroking his hair until he falls asleep
• Surprisingly enough, your presence soothes him quite a bit and he’s had considerably less nightmares ever since you began sleeping next to him
• The kind of guy who wakes you up WAY TOO EARLY but makes up for it by taking you to a really neat spot to watch the sunrise together.


• He takes up SO MUCH SPACE in the bed, it’s insane
• You have no other choice but to sleep ontop of him
• So sorry, but he definitely snores like crazy
• He REALLY likes holding you while he sleeps, there’s no way you get out of bed before him because he just won’t let go
• Since he usually doesn’t have to work that means he tends to sleep in super late
• He sleeps like a rock, the shogunate could storm the house with an arrest warrant and he’d still sleep through that (not saying that happened before but… It probably totally happened before)
• You know those people at sleepovers who are just super chatty and will talk your ear off while you’re trying to fall asleep? Yeah, you get to have that. Every. Night.

Thanks so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Comments are always appreciated, but don't feel obligated to ^^

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