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Dear whatever we wanna call this, hi my name is Jayden I'm a sophomore at Jaguares high school. I don't even know why I'm writing in this but it seems cool also I've seen man write in these things. I don't really know how but I think I'm falling inlove with this girl her name is Paris she is a very sweet loving girl! She has milky blonde hair with bright blue ocean eyes. We don't talk much but she is just so kind and beautiful I wanna talk to her more but I don't know I think she likes Xavier woods and he's my brother my brother has gotten everything I've went through his phone and found her socials!! I followed her under a random account she followed me back when I screamed in joy my brother found out I went through his phone, he pushed me up against the wall and told me " back off she's mine " I didn't know what to do I was in complete shock frozen I can even say sense when has he had the right to shove me and hurt me like that?! I mean he's done it before but that was 4 years ago sense he last did that. He always gets his way when will I-? Then I heard a knock my brother screamed "Jayden go get the damn door you shithead" I went to get the door I was shocked it was her I froze while she sat there asking me if I can come in. I turned into a tomato I was so embarrassed I ran up to my room after welcoming her in she said she was here to study with my brother. There I was panicking in my room " what him?! Why him paris just why him?!" I felt some type of way I never felt before I was jealous.. how could this be this has to be just a phase I told myself get over her.      

Hi my name is Paris Evans, I love this boy named Jayden woods I think he doesn't like me tho I went over to his house today but only because his dumb brother Xavier asked for me to help him with his homework he's so dumb but that's not what happened when I got there and went to his room he started putting his hand up and upper my legs I told him to stop I shouted it. He stopped we then started doing his homework then he started to do it again until he didn't listen when I said stop he started hurting me or we could say r*ping me I was frozen I didn't know what to do I was just dead until he heard a door slam he ran out of his room I got up barely even being able to move I grabbed my stuff and ran out as fast as I could I was crying I never wanted to go anywhere ever again as I said " I don't wanna go through this again "

I saw her running out off my brothers room i wondered what happened then I saw her bra jus laying there I was hurt I thought I was over her I thought it was a phase I was so mad I.. went down stairs I started punching my brother while I screamed " YOU HAD S*X WITH HER WHAT THE FUCK?!* I was so hurt I didn't stop tell my dad pulled me off I got slapped for hurting my brother he was bleeding so much I started to cry I have never cried over a girl this was so unlike me I started to punch my dad he knocked me out. That's what I get for punching my dad I was dumb I was so dumb I decided to take it out on her it's all her fault! The next day we had school I went right up to her and called her fat and ugly. She didn't seem to care so I continued to do it the whole day she still didn't care then it was time to go home I was upset because I didn't get her upset. Why wasn't she upset? Ugh whatever I was home I decided to go through her tik tok one off her new Tik toks was posted an hour ago she said she had the worst day ever I was happy it had to be because off me then I realized she had a bad day because of me I started to feel horrible tears came gushing out I was so sorry I never meant it that way I shouted " WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?!!!"

Did he mean it all? No he couldn't have right..? I mean no he couldn't he wouldn't stop why wouldn't he why would he call me those things this is not like him what did I do? Am I the bad person now? I went to the bathroom and started crying I though he would stop he didn't he continued. What did I do to get everyone this way towards me?! no I'm not happy with any off the woods right now why are they treating me this way?! I HATE THEM!! WHY WHY shouted when I got home I decided to post a Tik tok this one dude has viewed all my Tik toks who even is it. I figured it out it was him Jayden I blocked him so fast I couldn't even I started crying. Then I heard the door bell I went to go get it. It was Xavier he said he wanted to apologize I called him a bitch and to go he got in my house and started shoving me up against the wall it happened again I froze he did it again.
He  punched me and called me a slut and left. I had enough I saw all the things I needed it was it I had to.

It's the next day I wanted to apologize to her and start over and be friends!!! Maybe that could happen I waited for her face to just come through the door but it never dead Willow her bestfriend came she was disgusting she had messy hair and was wearing very baggy clothing with mascara all over her face she was crying I said in my mind. I wondered what happened I wanted to ask but we have never talked. But I did it anyway I asked her where is she? She replied saying " s-she's i-u-um sick yeah sick" it sounded like a lie but I went with it then the whole week flew by she never showed up probably sick!! That's fine I said then another week went by then another then another I started worrying a month has went by I went up to the teacher sense her friend wasn't here I asked the teacher where is Paris why isn't she here she said " she's very sick" I shouted it's been a month where is she tell the true WHERE IS SHE?!" She told me go sit down. Then soon as I knew it 4 months flew by then the teacher said she had very "important news" which I didn't care about then she said Paris she said " Guys Paris has k*ll*ed h3rs3lf* I started crying I didn't know what to do tell I saw her what the fuck..?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2021 ⏰

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