~|Chapter 1|~ Welcome to Colombia

Depuis le début

"All of this is yours, you can even take it when you go back to your casa" She places a hand on my shoulder

"Thank you so much, Tía María" I hug her

"Of course, mi casa es tu casa. Now go get ready for bed, it's late and I'm sure you're exhausted"

"Alright, gracias Tía, buenas noches" I say as she begins exiting the room

"Buenas noches, let me know if you need anything" 

I smile and close the door behind me before going through the clothes along my bed. I grab a gown looking comfortable to wear to bed. I brush my teeth and do my night time necessities. 

Getting comfortable underneath the covers, I look over at the window to my left. There weren't many clouds in the sky, always something I preferred when it was night time. I would stare at the constellations for hours if I could. However, my eyes grew heavy, and before I knew it I had fallen asleep. 


"Lyn! Hora de despertar!" My Tía calls, seemingly from the kitchen, causing me to groggily open my eyes

As I realize that I was no longer in Texas, I shot up in excitement of the day. I stretch and slightly fix my hair. I look amongst the clothes gifted to me. I grab a white button up shirt, a dark red ruana, a dark blue bandana, and dark gray linen pants. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. The blue complimented my hair color well and it all fell together, unexpectedly so.

I made my way downstairs to be met with the smell of a Calentado breakfast filling my senses.

One of the things I was especially looking forward to while here, the food

"Buenos días, sleepyhead! Did you sleep well?" 

"Sí! And breakfast smells great, gracias" I sit down in a chair at the small table

"Good, good!" She says, placing all of the food on the table on front of me for us to eat

As we dig in, I decide to ask the question that's been on my mind ever since I woke up "Sooo, what're we doing today?"

She looks up at me with a knowing look

"Yes, I am going introduce you to the Madrigals today" She smiles 

"Lets go!" I shoot my hands up in excitement 

"If I didn't, I think they'd murder me. Ever since I told them that you're coming, Dolores has showed you at my door to ask if you're here" She chuckles before eating a mouthful of egg

As if on cue, the door knocks, and I graciously get up to answer it

"Where are they-?" An eager voice says followed by a gasp in realization

"I'm guessing you mean me?" I say with a laugh

"Finally!! It's so good to meet you, your Tía got me so excited for your arrival" She says, giving me a big hug

"Excited to meet me? I've been bouncing up and down excited to meet the magical Madrigals!" I say with a smile

"Well then let me introduce you to us! Let's go!" She grabs my arm and leads me off before I can even say anything

"Adios, Tía!!" I yell, closing the door and following Dolores 

"So first off, I'm Dolores if you didn't already know. My gift is super hearing. I could actually hear you arrive last night, the entire house is excited to meet you"

[DISCONTINUED] |Smug Smirk| ~(Camilo Madrigal x Gender Neutral OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant