Chapter 1

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I remember this day so well it was September 1st and I woke up to Fred and George getting shouted at by mum for stealing the car. Anyway a few hours pass and we are in diagonal ally searching and shopping for school stuff. I wasn't having the best time anyway but I felt worse when we walked into a crowded bookshop.

As we walked in I soon realised why the shop was so crowded, it was because famous Gildory Lockhart was in there. Personally I never liked him but I didn't care at this moment in time I remember being pushed around to the point I couldn't move. I started shaking and my heart stared pounding, I was having a panic attack. I suddenly dropped to the floor feeling extremely dizzy until my dad (Arthur) came over. He picked me up and carried me out the shop to get away from the huge crowd. He started talking to me and he said things along the lines of   'Hey hey hey your okay deep breaths' and stuff like that but it didn't work. It soon got worse as people were staring which did not make me feel better at all but it got a lot worse when Draco Malfoy walked passed snickering and smerking at me as he walked into the bookshop. I don't particularly remember what happened next as I think i blacked out but according to Fred and George I was talking but they couldn't work out what  I was saying but when I woke up the first thing that was said to me was 'y/n are you alright' said softly by Fred
I replied with 'y-yeah I'm I'm ok' still slightly shooken up.
'Cmon your gonna miss the train ' mum (molly) said.

We got to the platform and we had just made it I ran through the wall and saw the amazing steam train before my eyes. I got on the train and found one of Ron's friends ,Hermione, she waved at me but a ignored her I went to sit on my own. It was a long train ride but when we finally got to hogwarts I was extremely concerned because Ron wasn't on the platform but I thought nothing of it I waited around but was then told to go inside and catch up with the others which I did

We stood by the great hall doors waiting to go in when they suddenly opened. We walked down the  hall with everyone staring at us and stood there while McGonagle read peoples names out. 'Ginny Weasley' she walked up and sat down my heart was pounding as I knew I would be next.
'Gryffindor' the sorting hat yelled . Ginny went and sat at the table with Fred and George.
'Y/n Weasley' my heat was pounding I walked up to the seat and sat down.

The story of y/n weasley Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora