You take a step forward beside him, hesitatingly.
Once the doors close, you're quick to pull out your phone, tapping at the screen with your thumbs.

The two of you remained silent, only the faint clicking noise of your nails being heard as the elevator started moving up.


When were you gonna tell
me I have a roommate?
11:30 pm,

He's my co-worker's son,
a good kid you could learn
a thing or two from ...
11:31 pm

Without meaning to, you throw your head back and exhale loudly in frustration.

Ever since your dad found out about your bad habits and long nights, he hasn't stopped trying to move you out of your old place.

For a while, you believed them to be only empty threats, and after a few weeks passed you hoped he would let it go but ... here you are.

" I take it you're not too happy" Koko chuckles when the elevator finally comes to a stop on the top floor and opens.

A nervous laugh leaves you while following him closely into the long corridor.

"It's not you, don't worry about it" You both stop abruptly at a white door, an engraved 205 written clearly in the middle of it.

You pull out the keys from your small purse, struggling until you finally manage to unlock the door and push it forward before taking a step back.

Trying your best not to get in the way, you allow Koko to walk in front of you. He slowly does so, placing your bag down with a small sigh before turning around to look behind at you,

"It's not much but-"

At first, you walk in cautiously - that was before immediately rushing to admire the big glass windows panelled all across the living room wall.

You pace around the living room excitedly, taking in the beautiful view of the city's bright light shining in the distance.

Koko watches you twirling around with a small amused smile, and you realise you should probably sit down too.

A small, awkward laugh leaves you before taking a space on the leather couch next to Koko,
"It's more than enough,"

He raises his eyebrows and pulls out his phone again, focusing on the screen - tilting it away from you slightly.

Upon noticing, you roll your eyes, it seems like he wasn't interested in any small chat - not that you particularly minded.

In fact, it might just be better like this - shit, maybe you could just avoid each other completely.

You didn't want a new roommate, let alone whoever, or whatever, this guy is. A sigh leaves your lips as you sit up and take a seat on the small bar stool in the kitchen.

While tapping your fingers nervously on the marble countertop, you look around and the realisation finally settles in.

This is going to be your home now, and you're gonna have to live with a complete stranger. No matter how much you just want to go back to your dorm, you're stuck here.


Your eyes move to scan him, fully taking in the unfamiliar sight. Granted, you might have been staring a little longer than they should have - which he doesn't fail to take notice of.

" What is it ?" He smirks and places his phone down on the small coffee table, now fully focusing on you.

"Oh uh, nothing" You stumble on your words, avoiding eye contact. That doesn't seem to resonate very well with him.

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