Chapter One

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There it is, the sound you've been dreading all summer long. You've been dreading the first day of this semester and it's finally here unfortunately, maybe if you close your eyes you can fall asleep and pretend you don't even have to go to class. Maybe you'll wake up in a field full of blooming flowers and flowing rivers.


Alright maybe not but it was worth a shot right? Peeling your eyes open looking over past your bed at your alarm clock sitting on your bed side table, eyes full of sleep barely being able to read the time. " 7:30 AM"

Groaning aloud you peal the covers off your warm body exposing your soft skin to the lukewarm air of your New York apartment. Finally shutting off your nagging alarm reminding you of what you had in store today, well more like the next couple years of your life. It wasn't that you didn't want to go to college, you were actually excited for this up and coming semester as much as your personally showed the opposite. It was more that you were scared to be alone, sure you had friends back home but deciding to move across the country to attend school where you didn't know anyone definitely changes things.

As scared as you were you definitely wanted to push yourself out of your comfort zone going into this semester. You wanted to meet new people, develop lasting friendships, if you were feeling really crazy maybe attend a frat party or two. You were tired of feeling so hard on yourself all the time, it was time to just let your self be free and let go.

You had even thought of putting on a fake accent and going by a different name there for a second but you'd probably get caught and everyone would think you were dumb so that thought didn't last long. 

 It was 8:45 by the time you arrived on campus and lets just say, you were late. Like very late. You couldn't find your left shoe, of course you couldn't find your left shoe, so you just put on the first pair you could find. Because that took so long it caused you to miss your train which then caused you to miss your bus. So here you are standing in front of class room 34B, 15 minutes late on your first day. 

"This is great everything's fine." You breathe out before opening the classroom doors.

Charlie Barber was not in a good mood this morning. He did not get a restful night sleep on the couch after having one of his and Nicoles bigger fights of late, probably over letting Henry have the iPad before homework or something small Charlie honestly couldn't remember. 

Of course Charlie remembered he just didn't want to think about it. 

Charlie walked into his apartment after a long day of figuring things out back at the theater, seeing who he was gonna leave in charge while he was gone and what times he'll be able to come in when he has time. When he walked into his living room he saw his son Henry playing on his iPad which would have been completely fine by Charlie until he asked "Hey kiddo have you done your homework yet?" He asked whitest setting his stuff down on the counter. "No but mom said I can have iPad time so it's okay." Henry replied continuing tapping away at whatever game was keeping him entertained for the moment. 

Charlie sighed looking at his son then walked over to Nicole who was in the kitchen. "Hey did you say Henry could use the iPad?"  He asked confused, grabbing a beer from the fridge knowing it was gonna be that kinda night already.

"Uh yeah I did why?" Nicole responded bringing the spoon she was using to stir what ever she was cooking for dinner up to her lips to taste the outcome while eyeing charlie opening his beer,  he only drinks when he's stressed and lately it's becoming a lot more frequent. 

Charlie had his hands on his hips looking over at the stove to see what Nicole was making for dinner, pork chops. Charlie hated pork chops. 

"He hasn't even done his home work yet Nicole, do you really think he should be on his tablet as soon at he gets home from school?" Charlie talked in a hushed voice trying not to let Henry over hear their conversation. Sure he was young but them fighting so much isn't good for him.

Nicole sighed dramatically dropping her spoon back in the pot walking over to grab some plates. "Will you chill out Charlie, he'll do his homework after dinner. I know you don't know how to relax but that doesn't mean our son has to be so stuck up like you." She groaned out at him while still trying serve the pork chops on the plate.

Charlie was taken aback, sure he can be a little anxious at times but stuck up? That's uncalled for. 

Nicole tried handing him the plate of food, but at that point he had already stormed out of the kitchen. The last thing he wanted was Nicoles awful cooking.

Now here Charlie is, with his head pounding and he barely got a blink of sleep knowing his marriage was holding on by a thread if you could call it that, mean while having to teach a class at the local collage the next morning on "Play Writing."  

Being a professor was not Charlies scene, he'd much rather be back at his theater "Exit Ghost" but bills need to be paid, food needs to be put on the table until he can take his plays on Broadway. The last thing he wants to do his teach stuck up college students about plays and films when he knows they would rather be any where else. 

After a kiss to his sons head before sending him off to school, and sharing a knowing glace to Nicole without exchanging any words besides "Bye." Charlie was out the door.

Being late on the first day of class was definitely not on your to do list that's for sure.

 When you entered in through the doors you could hear a loud deep voice speaking but couldn't make much out of it or see where it was coming from but you guessed it was probably the professor giving his lecture. 

The class room doors were heavier than you expected because they decided to slam shut right behind you, causing everyone to stare straight at you. "Lovely this is just lovely." You thought to your self scooting past your fellow students.

"Play Writing" was not your first choice when it came to class choices but you were a little late when it came to signing up for classes, and it was between this and a Computer Science class. You always dreamed of being a famous actress anyway so you guessed this wouldn't hurt.

But right now you kinda were wishing had picked that Computer Science class, instead of being here embarrassing yourself.

You were keeping your head down trying to find an open seat but its the first day so almost all of them are completely filled up. You glance up when hearing someone clear their throat. 

''There's an open seat right here in front. You can sit there since you want to be the center of attention showing up as late as you did and slamming my doors." Looking up at where the voice was coming from was a tall broad figure standing right at the front of the class room. He had to be at least 6'4, with gorgeous black hair falling right above his shoulders and the most prominent nose that fit his face perfectly. 

Snapping out of your gawking, starting to process what he had just told you some how feeling even more embarrassed than ever before. "Oh yeah I'm sorry it wont happen again" you could barely mange to get out whilst walking down to your seat that was right in front of him. Taking in his frame that toward over you.

"Glad to hear it. Now where were we?"

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Dec 28, 2021 ⏰

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