Chapter 1

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When Aithne regained consciousness, panic was the first thing she felt. Then the pain. A massive seething pain along her left shoulder and chest. She wanted to scream, but just as she was about to open her eyes, she heard them. The voices. Deep and masculine, discussing something with an air of importance. What had they done to her? She could hardly breath properly, but she tried to remain still, giving the vision that she was still asleep. She needed to get the fuck out of here.

"Sor, her heart rate is rising!" Aithne heard one of the voices say, just as she was about open her eyes. Shit. She felt eyes on her.

"I think she might be awake." Another male voice said, and she felt them all move closer to her. Shit Shit Shit. Just as she felt one of there hands graze along her arm, her instincts kicking in, and her leg shot out, hitting one of the men in the stomach. She flicked her eyes open just as the man doubled over with a groan.

"Hey! What the fu-" the man next to her started saying, but copped a well landed punch in the face. Aithne quickly lifted herself out of her bed, almost screaming with the strain on her shoulder. She spared a quick look at it- it was blue and green, and ugly stitches ran across her upper arm. God. She quickly turned back to the men, just as one was about to grab her. She  brought her knee up hard into his groin and he doubled over.

"Who the fuck are you??" Aithne demanded as the man got back into his feet. She stepped back until she was standing right next to the bed, ignoring the pain in her shoulder. There was three of them- one middle aged with black hair, a oldish one, and a young dude, not much older than herself. They were staying a fair distance away from her, out of harms way.

"Bout to ask you the same thing." The younger dude sulked , holding the side of his face where she had punched. Aithne rolled her eyes. She hadn't hit him that hard. The dude sent her a death stare in response. How charming.

"Where am I?" Aithne racked her brain but couldn't thing of a single thing that had happened before she woke up in this... room? It was hardly that. Four walls . A roof. No door. Just her bed, a keypad in one of the rooms, and monitor of some sort hooked above her bed. What the actual fuck.

"Where do you think you are? The bloody kings quarters? No dumbass your in a hospital." The younger dude responded with a roll of his blue eyes. Aithne turned to the monitor, very tempted to chuck it into his face. But she needed answers first.

"El, shut up." The middle aged man spoke, his voice deep and and bit croaky. He had dark brown hair and brownish skin, and his eyes were a hazel colour.

"Yeah El." Aithne said , and El ground his teeth together but kept quite.

"I'm Dr Sorin. This is Dr Weylin," he gestured the the oldish man. Dr Weylin has thinning grey hair and hard grey eyes. He was slouched and had his hand protectively over his stomach- where she had kicked him. We love kicking the elderly, Aithne thought the guiltily. "That's Elex." Dr Sorin said gesturing to the scowling boy who promptly stuck up his middle finger with a smile. He really is a charmer.

"Why am here?" Aithne demanded. Elex opened his mouth, but Aithne turned to him. "And don't give me some crap answer." Elex closed his mouth.

"You came to us. You had a stab wound in you shoulder and cuts all over you. We patched you up." Dr Sorin said.

"Bloody mistake that was. I saved your life and you punch me in the face in return? Couldn't even say thank you." Elex sulked. Aithne rolled her eyes.

"And I'll do it again if you don't shut up." Aithne said, and Dr Sorin chuckled softly.

"It's good that you are getting along well. But, I need to know how you got the stab wound so I can treat it better. Was it a sword or dagger?" Dr Sorin asked, picking up the clipboard that he had dropped when she had hit him. Aithne studied the three warily. She didn't trust them yet, which, as she has just met them, was probably a good idea. But still, she needed her shoulder fixed, and to do that, she needed these guys help.

"Uhm..." Aithne tried to think back to before she had woken up her, tried to think back to how she had got here, how she had been stabbed. But there was nothing. No thoughts, visions, she couldn't remember anything. It was as if her memories had just started in the past 10 minutes. She looked up into Dr Sorins eyes. Why the fuck couldn't she remember anything? She knew her name- Aithne Azar. She knew what she looked like. Tan skin, green eyes, long brown hair. But why couldn't she remember anything else???

"Well? Any day now." Elex snapped.

Aithne looked at him. "I don't know. I don't remember anything."

Aithne AzarWhere stories live. Discover now