2. "Will he remember me at all?"

Start from the beginning

"Alright, your injury is all patched up, Officer," a doctor says warmly. "You are showing signs of a mild concussion and might experience headache, nausea, dizziness, and even blurry vision. I have prescribed some medicines for you for that. Please take it easy for a day or two. Don't operate any machinery and don't drive. If your symptoms change or worsen, please see a medical practitioner asap. And even if everything seems okay, please get yourself checked by a doctor tomorrow and also a couple of days later."

Relief washes over me as I realize that Si Zhui is alright, at least for now. As a sigh leaves my body, my knees wobble. I feel like the ground is coming closer to me, and then a pair of slim but strong arms are holding me in place, preventing my fall. "Are you alright?" a soft, concerned voice asks. I turn towards the voice and find myself staring into a pair of dark black eyes. I see concern and worry filled in them.

For the first time in my life, my heart falters. I don't want to look away. I like being held in that gaze. I want to drown in that gaze. But just then, I am sucked into a void as I lose consciousness, and everything becomes black.

When I wake up, I find myself on an examination table. "Welcome back, Officer.", the man who held me earlier says with a warm smile. Relief is evident on his face.

His eyes are unpretentious, guileless, pure. I also see something else in those dark orbs. Pain, sadness, melancholy. Something he wants to hide. It draws me in.

My wondering thoughts break when I can sense a headache beginning to form. As I try to sit up, he quickly helps me. "Avoid sudden movements, please. Your vitals are looking alright, and so is your MRI scan. But you have a mild concussion and raised heart rate. It is to be expected with what you just went through. Ah, and don't worry. Your colleague is doing okay too. He is resting in an adjacent room.".

"Thank you, doctor.", I say and close my eyes. I feel like several ants are gnawing into my left arm and foot. I clench my fists, only making the pain shoot up. I let out a shaky breath as the sharp pain passes through.

He senses what I am doing and puts his hand on my fist. A faint scent just like that of the first rain on parched earth assaults my senses. I like this scent. I like having him close. I open my eyes to look into his dark ones again.

"Officer, breathe deeply and try to calm down. Let me take care of you for now, okay?" he says.

"For now? Only for now? Can you make it forever?" my brain takes me by surprise. "Whoa! Wait! What? Where did that come from? I have barely met this man!" the logical side of my brain tries to bring in some sanity to my internal dialog. "Does it truly matter how long you have met him, Wang Ji? A heart wants what a heart wants. And your heart wants him. He is special. Your heart wants him to take care of you. Your heart wants you to take care of him.", the other part of my brain counters - the part that suddenly desires a forever with a man I have met a few moments ago.

"Did the accident make my brain so addled?" I think and decide to blame it on the circumstances to make my ego feel better.

My thoughts are interrupted when I hear someone speak. "Can you do that for me, please?" the beautiful man with eyes shaped like lotus petals and a mole under his lovely lips is kneeling near the table and asking me. I realize that he has been talking all this while, and he has asked me to do something. While I was attending to the chatter between my addled and non-addled brain, my eyes had not left his face. My ears have been tuned to him. I have been studying each and every one of his beautiful features. His graceful movements. His melodious voice. I have been memorizing it all. I am taking it all in like a blind man seeing sunshine for the first time.

"Earth to Officer Lan. Earth to Officer Lan. Are you there?" he tilts his head to the side to read the tag on my uniform for my name. When he looks at me, there's some mischief in his eyes. His eyes. They are so talkative. When he does not get a response from me, he tilts his head to the other side, raises his shapely eyebrows, and bites his lower lip, still staring at me. My heart rate accelerates. I can only drool inwardly at the seductive sight in front of me.

I will always put you first (WangXian modern au)Where stories live. Discover now