One-Shot Please: Give me some Ideas

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Hello, if you haven't read the description please do. I want to make one-shots about Steve and Natasha and have some fun interactions with everyone else in the avengers.

Right now I'm working on a one-shot where steve is being interrogated by Natasha's family to see if he is a good fit to be Natasha's Boyfriend.

Comment some questions you think should be asked. It could be anything go crazy in the comments. And don't expect too much from me I'm doing this for fun before I have a shit ton of work with school and my job.

And give me some fun ideas for other one-shots. It could be a funny mix and match with Yelena and Steve or Alexei and Steve going on a trip.

Comment down below I want to see what you guys can think of.Until then goodbye

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2021 ⏰

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