I found you.

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"Come here darling!~"
You were pulled up into cold metal arms.
You opened your eyes and there was moondrop starring down at you.
You began crying.
Moondrops behavior changed.
"Oh darling!~ I won't hurt you~...but i may hurt your naughty friends~.."
You were scared.
Overwhelmed with fear.
You felt moondrop bring you to a small area, and set you down.
"Sleep, rest... you have been running awhile darling~"
You obeyed out of fear and slowly closed your eyes. You woke up to sunrise grabbing your friends and throwing them out, screaming:
He looked back at you and ran over.
"Are you alright?! Your head is bleeding! Come!"
He picked you up and ruffled your hair, grabbing a medical kit and wrapping ip your head.
"Im so sorry friend! If it wasn't for those rule breakers you wouldn't be hurt!"
You spoke back,
"Im fine sunrise...i just..what time is it?"
Sunrise looked at a clock,
"8 am, were closed toda-"
"SHIT!- i mean crap- sorry, but i need to go."
Sunrise slowly bent his head to face you.
Holy shit thats eerie.
"Leave? Why? Your hurt! Rest! I will take care of you sunshine!"
"But my mom is probably worried about me! What if she thinks im dead? What if-"
Sunrise shushed you.
"...alright. Just...don't turn off the lights, please..."
Sunrise nodded and sat you down.
You drifted to sleep.

Sorry this was short, im gonna start the next chapter soon-

S i m p😫

"My little sunshine." Sunrise/moondrop x readerWhere stories live. Discover now