- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ [¿Panty theft?] ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌

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"Hm." He swiftly turned around directing himself to the seat in which I'd offered.

Woah, he looks so resplendent in that neatly tailored suit. Gosh, he smells wealthy too... Wait eww I'm behaving like a vermin.


The Retro music emanates around the small cafe as people of different whereabouts obtained small chats with one another.

In the kitchen, I expeditiously take care of his black tea. After the water was boiled, I cascaded the scorching water into a clean mug. Shortly after that, I ushered myself along with the black tea towards his table.

"Here you are, sir." I said while placing down the necessaries.


"You're welcome" I added with an awkward laugh as a swiftly bowed and then walked away.

He glimpsed at your retreating figure before humming while taking a sip of the black coffee.

"Just the way I like it."




Y/n pov

It was 9:00 pm in the night and I just reached home.

"CONNIE! SASHA!" I shouted out. "I'M HOME" no answer.

I shrugged my shoulder before heading to my room. I flung my bag down near the doorway as I plopped down on the edge of the bed. Gosh, I'm so tired.

When I was on the verge of sleeping, I realized that I haven't showered.

I reek of sweat.

After a cleansing shower, I walked back into the room with a towel wrapped securely around me. I quickly head over to the drawers to look for both my underwear and nightwear.

You've got to be kidding me. This can't be happening again. I thought as I dug into my underwear drawer. Shit, don't tell me that I left them in the laundry room... I probably did

I let out a big or it's more of an exaggerated sigh. I looked behind me seeing how Sasha was spawned out on my bed. When did she get here....she wasn't here when I entered..... I thought as I mindlessly presumed how she got here so...quietly.

I turned back around to close the drawer and soundlessly depart the room.

On my journey to the laundry room. expecting my underwear to be in the dryer, but to my freaking surprise, it's not there. What? I swear this was the last place I left them. I pondered as a started to search the dryer. They're not here though I thought. This is why I have anger issues.

I began to think of who in their right mind would take up my undies on 'accident'. Hmm...let's see...

Arakia, my best friend wasn't here yesterday so it couldn't be her. Jean and I were having some alone time so it couldn't be him either. Sasha went to torment some people downtown so no way it's was her. Connie was....wait Connie...

Connie was the only person here yesterday. Wait...... don't tell me that-


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