The Find..

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I asked my mother if I could go for a walk and surprisingly, she said yes. I grabbed my jacket and put on my shoes excitingly. I said bye to my younger siblings and to my mum and left through the back door. As I was walking, I suddenly felt the urge to roller skate. I decided to buy a pair of them. I called my mum for permission and once again, she said yes. I thought it was pretty weird that she said yes but I just brushed it off. I went to the sports shop and looked around for roller skates. Unfortunately, they didnt have my size so I left the shop feeling sad. Suddenly, an unknown figure in black was behind me, watching me. He started following my EVERY move. I started running with panic, fear. My heart was now beating out of my chest. I swiftly turned a corner to realise the figure had disappeared. I turned around and they was there. I managed to kick them in the shin. Then I heard a scream of pain leave him. I felt sorry and went back to help him up. Big Mistake. I realized that they were wearing roller skates. All of a sudden, he put me in a head lock and put my head in a bag. I fell unconscious. I woke up and it was 11:32 PM. I left the house at 6:30 PM. I got up and to my shock, I fell back down. It felt like I had wheels attached to my shoes. I did. I ran- Well, Skated to the kitchen, screaming for my mum. I saw her running down the stairs with tears running down her cheeks like a waterfall. I asked her what was wrong.
"Y-your f-father.." She stammered.
"What happened to him?" I asked.
"He-" she started
"Don't tell me what I'm thinking." I told her
The words that left her mouth broke my down as quickly as The Flash.
"He's dead."

I screamed a scream of pain and tried running up to my room. I had skates on. I asked where the kids are and she said they are asleep.

"Why do you have skates on?" Asked mum

"Some thing knocked my unconscious and put skates on me" I replied.

"Well take them off and go to bed" she said, "The funeral is next month"

I sat on the stairs struggling to remove the skates.

"T-they're stuck?" I said, confused


"I swear! I am not joking! They are stu-"


I was taken to an abandoned playground. In there, I saw white figures playing. I crunchad a leaf and all the heads turned to me.

"If you come into this place and you dont make it out before sunrise, you'll become one of us.." They said in unison

Suddenly, someone or something pushed me in it as I screamed. The gate locked. Click. I was stuck. I fell asleep. A few hours passed and I woke up. It was sunrise.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2021 ⏰

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