Chapter 5

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It's already Christmas time. Halloween and Thanksgiving went by quick. Kaitlin has avoided James like the plague every chance she got without being rude. She has stayed by Sage's side making sure she doesn't get hurt or harmed including her friends.

Christmas break was in a two days and she was dreading going back home for break especially with Sage. "Lena Lena look Nicky sent a letter." She said handing her a letter.

It was Nick asking for her and Sage to go over for Christmas. "What is it." She asked eating her food. "Nick wants to know if you want to go over for Christmas do you." She asked her pulling out a piece of paper and a quill. "Can we." She asked as Kaitlin sighed.

"You can go Sage." Kaitlin said kissing the top of her head. "Yay are you going too." Sage asked. "No but I will see you after when you come back ok." "Fine." Sage said sighing as Kaitlin wrote back and sent the letter off. "Come on you must go pack." Kaitlin told her as they started to walk to the Slytherin common room when she got stopped.

"Kaitlin wait up." She heard James say as they stopped walking. "Go ahead and go back to the common room I'll see you before you leave in the morning." She told her kissing the top of her head. "Bye Lena." She said running off. "Kaitlin I know you've been avoiding me." James said. "What no I haven't I've just been busy studying." She said before sighing.

"Yes I have been sorry for lying." Kaitlin told him. "It's alright and I've come to ask you something." James told her as she nodded her head. "Do you want to spend Christmas with us and it's ok if you don't want too but I really do want to get to know you and Sage can come with." He told her.

"I don't want to over step or anything-You won't be I promise you that and you can meet your grandparents and family." He told her. "If it's ok with your wife only if it's ok with her I don't want to go and her not be ok with it." She told him as Lily walked over to them.

"Lily you don't mind if Kaitlin spends Christmas with us do you." James asked wrapping his arms around her. "Of course not I'd love to have you and Sage over." Lily told her. "Alright then I'll have to let my par-my mother know and Sage won't be going with." She told them.

"How come." Lily asked. "She'll be spending it with our brothers and it's better not at home for her." She told them as they nodded their heads. "Do you want me to write your mom or-NO shoot sorry um no it's alright I'll write to her and thank you." Kaitlin told them giving them a smile. "I've gotta go help Sage but I'll see you guys-We'll be their to pick you kids up don't worry." Lily told her as she nodded her head and walked off smiling to herself.


Kaitlin wrote to Dawn just telling her she won't be going home for break that her and Sage will be staying at the castle studying and which seemed to please her that she wrote back and said to stay out of trouble or she'll regret it.

Kaitlin is sitting down next to Sage in their compartment. "I need you to be good for Nick okay." Kaitlin said as Sage laid down her head on her lap. "Yeah okay." Sage said yawning. "Take a nap I'll wake you up when we arrive." She told her pulling out a book as she nodded her head and started to fall asleep.

About fifteen minutes in Sage was asleep. Someone knocked on the compartment door before opening it. "Hey Kaitlin mind if we sit with you guys." Ginny asked as she shrugged her shoulders as they sat down. "So dad tells me your coming to stay with us for break is it true." Harry asked after he was informed she was his sister.

She nodded her head yes and went back to reading. "Your gonna have to speak Kaitlin sooner or later." Harry said as she ignored him. "I've read that book it's a good book." Hermione said as she nodded her head. "You read it already." Hermione asked her. "Of course she did she's always reading." Sage said opening her eyes.

"I thought you were tired." She said placing her book down. "Ah mini troll is alive." Enzo said making Kaitlin and Sage laugh. "I'm not a mini troll and yes Lena has read it before it's her favorite book." Sage said sitting up. "We're almost their I'll be back." Ginny said getting up walking out.

"Lena can you do my hair before I get to Nicky's please." Sage asked her. "Yes I can and when you come back please make sure it's brushed don't need you coming back with knots in your hair." She said as they stared at her. "What." Sage said. "Nothing just never really heard her speak before." Hope said.

"That's because she doesn't really speak at all only with me ain't that right Lena." Sage said with a goofy grin. "Oh hush and turn around so I can do your hair." Kaitlin said as she turned around and sat on the floor for her. "Why do you call her Lena." Hermione asked.

" I call her Lena because her middle name is Elena but when I was little I couldn't pronounce the E so I got use to calling her Lena ain't the right Lena." Sage said as she hummed in response. "And done." Kaitlin said as she put it into a braid from the top.

"Their and I think we are here come on I'll take you to Nick I'm pretty sure Elijah is their too come on." She said as she immediately stood up grabbing her stuff as Kaitlin put her book in her bag and grabbed her stuff. "Be back." Kaitlin mumbled taking Sage to her brothers.

"Nicky Lijah." Sage said running into their arms. "Sage you've gotten so big." Nick said picking her up. "Hey Nick Elijah." Kaitlin said giving them a hug. "Her Kate are you sure you don't want to come with." Elijah asked her. "I'm sure I'm going with friends." "Does mother know." Nick asked as she stayed quiet.

"It's alright we won't tell her go have fun with your friends we'll take care of Sage don't worry she'll be safe with us." Nick said kissing the side of her head. "Ok I'll try to but I'll see you boys later bye Sage." She said kissing their cheeks. "Bye Lena." Sage said waving to her. "Go it'll be ok." Nick told her as she hesitated to leave but she did.

James was looking around for Kaitlin hoping she didn't change her mind. "Don't worry dad she was taking her sister to her brothers." Harry said. "Look see here she comes." Harry spoke before James could. She stood in front of them not saying anything. "There you are you ready to go Kaitlin." James asked as she nodded her head.

"Here you you can apprate with me." James said putting his arm out for her to take it as she did. They left and went to the house the others would be heading over to the house later.

They arrived inside of the house as Kaitlin felt like she was going to throw up. "You ok." James asked her as she nodded her head. "Come on let me show you to your room." He told her leading her to her room. He opened the door and let her go in first. "I didn't know what you liked so Lily helped me-I love it thank you." She said as he sighed in relief.

"If you want to add some things in here feel free too this is your room here if you ever want to come back here this is your room so don't worry." He told her as she nodded her head. "Thank you." She said. "I'll let you unpack but if you need anything we'll be downstairs." He told her before walking out.

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