Taylor's shoulders begin shaking as her throat tightens. Her stream of tears is beginning to turn into full fledged sobs. Was Taylor not enough for Karlie? Was she choosing Cara over her, after using Taylor to explore her sexuality? Was that all this was from the start? Karlie couldn't go behind Josh's back for her but no problem with Cara? Taylor hates that it looks like a morning after kiss. What had they done together?

And after Karlie's whole reel about Taylor needing to take time and space to think about 'us,' Karlie goes and does this? Maybe that isn't why she wanted space from Taylor at all, maybe she just couldn't juggle two girls at once.

The worst part is Karlie owed her nothing. Taylor wasn't Karlie's girlfriend, there was no reason Karlie couldn't do whatever she wanted without worrying about Taylor. Taylor had just thought that Karlie wasn't that type of person. Why should I have even thought that, look at what she does with me behind Josh's back.

The minute Taylor thinks that is the minute Taylor feels downright ashamed. She knows Karlie. Karlie is a good person. Any tendencies Karlie has ever displayed of being a bad person are all because of Taylor anyway. After all the false news stories written about herself, how could she be so quick to believe Karlie was behaving this way. Well there is a picture. A toxic version of own voice sounds in her head, reminding her of the photographic evidence.

Taylor does something quite like the walk of shame when she gets out of bed to walk to the other side of her hotel room to retrieve her phone. She tip toes barefoot around the sharp pieces of broken lamp that is scattered all along the floor from throwing her phone. Although disappointed, she isn't surprised to see the iPhone screen cracked. Luckily, however, the screen still lights up when she presses the home screen. She tip toes back over to her bed and lies down, glad that she has no glass stuck in her feet, before calling Karlie.

Her hands are shaking and sweaty as she holds the phone against her ear. Her stomach feels hurt and hollow, nauseous even, at the idea of Karlie going behind her back like this. Most of all, however, she just feels a crippling pain. It has been a while since Taylor has entered into any relationship without thinking of the chance she could get hurt. People change, people don't always know what they want, and sometimes people hurt others. Even knowing this, Taylor rarely left relationships unscathed. However, somehow, she never even considered the notion of Karlie potentially hurting her.

"Hey you," Karlie answers, voice sweet. As if nothing is wrong.

"Karlie," Taylor says, hating that her pain sounds so clearly through her voice.

"Taylor? What is it, what's wrong?" Karlie asks, voice laced with worry. Taylor can almost imagine her face now as if she were right in front of her. Her green eyes are probably filled with worry, her brow is probably scrunched up. There is probably a slight frown on her face, causing her chin to dimple. If she had been sitting down when Taylor called, maybe she had just stood up, pacing.

"You," Taylor answers, unable to say much of anything else. Tears are streaming down her face, her throat burns. She doesn't want to completely break down with Karlie on the line. She wants to shield her hurt as much as possible, because she obviously thought that whatever her and Karlie had was much more than what Karlie thought.

"Me? Taylor, no, I know this month has been hard but you're going to be back tomorrow. I never wanted you to think that we weren't—"

"Cara," Taylor says, interrupting Karlie as she plays dumb. Did she really think Taylor didn't know about the kiss? it was on Perez Hilton's website for God's sake.

"OH!" Karlie exclaims. Taylor's chest falls even further at the sound of recognition Karlie makes. She obviously wasn't about to deny it. Karlie laughs and says, "Taylor, it isn't what you think—"

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