Chapter 5

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"All I'm saying, is that although you've been around werewolves almost your whole life, now that you ARE one you're going to need some training too!"

Derek and the rest of the Pack had gathered to convince Stiles that this was necessary; but while he appreciated the effort, no one was volunteering to run his household errands for him while he wasted all of this time. The cleaning, shopping, laundry and bill-paying could not be accomplished any faster with wolfy super-powers.

"Der, I am already the very 'Yoda' of Lycans. I researched them for years, and managed to tell even you things that you didn't know. Hell, I trained Scott when he first got turned, and it was pretty awesome teaching if I do say so myself. I know everything about us!"

Derek and Scott were shaking their heads. "Can you tell us one thing about werewolves you didn't learn in a book?" Scott asked.

"Yes. They tend to be total slobs."

Derek ground his teeth. "I mean about changing, about fighting, about using your abilities. If our Pack is ever attacked, which will always be a very real possibility, I need to know that you can take care of yourself and everyone else."

Stiles pouted and kicked a small rock with his shoe. "Is this really necessary?" he whispered to himself. He looked off into the distance, and even Derek couldn't tell what might be going through his mind. "Fine. I'm just going to have to show you, aren't I?" Stiles sighed.

The Pack all nodded warily.

"All right. Test me. But let me give you a small piece of advice: I don't want to hurt any of you, so don't... hold... back!" He folded his arms, and gave them a Glare that made Derek's worst seem like a myopic squint. His opponents all took an involuntary step back.

"Um...okay. First Lesson. You'll fight me, Scott, Jackson and Danny. Shift and attack, right now!" Derek ordered, a little nervously.

Stiles closed his eyes and opened them a second later, a hellish amber glow replacing his usual chocolate brown. He whipped his hands to the sides, and the claws shot to their full length. A deep reverberating growl came from a suddenly fang encrusted mouth.

"Holy shit-" Jackson muttered.

Stiles launched himself forward onto all fours, and in two loping bounds was plowing into Derek - who was so surprised and caught off guard that he hadn't shifted at all. Scott was a little quicker on the draw, and whipped his claws through the space Stiles' head occupied a second before. There was a tap on Scott's shoulder and he whirled around only to have Stiles slam his arm into his mid-section with the force of a wrecking ball. Scott flew backward, and his body crashed into Jackson. Their heads clunked together like coconuts, and they fell to the ground in a tangled heap. Derek was still lying on the floor dazed and human when Danny attacked the Alpha's rampaging mate. Stiles grabbed Danny's shirt in his clawed hands, planted his foot in Danny's stomach and fell backward, launching a surprised Danny though the air to land on Derek's chest and knocking the wind out of both of them. Scott and Jackson were unconscious, and Danny was roughly turned over by a snarling Stiles who pressed his thumb claws into both his and Derek's necks, a hair away from severing their jugulars with a simple push.

"Yield or die!" he growled at them. There seemed to be no trace of the Stiles they knew in the glowing eyes.

"Sty! It's me!" Derek shouted.

Danny's eyes were wide and terrified. "Chill out, man! You got us, it's over!"

A blink later, and Stiles' eyes were chocolate brown once again. "Okay, next test?" He stood up and jogged over to where Allison, Lydia and Ted were serving up some bottled water. The whole ordeal had taken less than a minute.

Amber Waves of Angstحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن