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Agnetha woke up by Björn laying his arms around her body. She loved to wake up like that, which she did almost everyday.

She turned around and smiled. "Hello, honey."
"Hi" he said mild, and looked at her with sleepy eyes. "What should we do today?"
"I want to spend this day with just you" Björn said and kissed her. Agnetha just smiled, and couldn't stop do it. "I love you, so much" she said and stroked his cheek. "Love you too."
"Do you think Linda has it good? I miss her so much..."
Agnetha's face suddenly turned from happy to sad. "Off course she has! Mom and dad are good with children. Just look at me! They raised me well!"
Agnetha laughed with a faked nervousness. "Eh... well..."
Björn laughed.

Suddenly it knocked on the door. Agnetha sigh and went up from the bed, and put on her pink robe.
"I like when you're wearing pink. It fits you" Björn said and blinked flirty with one eye. She gave him a sexy smile followed by a laugh before she opened the door.

"Oh, hi Benny. Where is Frida?"
"Good morning. She left quie early for the shopping. Typical Frida!"
Agnetha laughed. "What's on your mind?" she asked kindly. "I have an idea for a song. Can I talk to Björn?"
"Off cou..."

Agnetha didn't even end the phrase before Björn was up and almost fully dressed because he heard the word "song". Agnetha laughed over his reaction.
"I'm back soon babe" Björn said and kissed her soft cheek and went away with Benny.

Agnetha laughed silent, because Björn was so cute. She loved him so much. He was her everything except from Linda. She walked towards the bathroom and took a shower before she got dressed and prepared for the day. What should she wear? Something pink, off course. It was the first time Björn commented which color that suited her. Pink... People used to say that though.

In Frida and Benny's room Björn and Benny had taken up the guitar. "So what do you have?" Björn asked. "I thought that it maybe could be a ballad. Or at least a soft song about love. I had a melody in my head..." Benny started to play. It sounded really good. "Have you thought about any lyric?"
"Yeah, quite a lot actually. I have gone and had this in my head for quite a long time." Benny started to write down some of the lyrics on a paper.

You say she's been mad a you. Then you say you'll be patient. Still I see that she makes you blue. Come on, i'll give you consolation.

Gonna sing you my love song, gonna bring you some light. Gonna make you feel happy every day of your life. Gonna sing you my love song, gonna make it alright.
You're all I ever need, my darling...

"Something like that." Benny gave the paper to Björn. "Really good" he said with a smile. "But, do you think that we or the girls should sing?"
"The girls off course! We sound like high walruses compared to them!" Benny exclaimed. Both laughed hard. They started to work a bit more on the song.

Agnetha was hungry, and they had already missed the breakfast. She went to the boys. She knocked on the door and Benny opened.

"Hi, aren't you hungry? You've been there for two hours and missed breakfast! I'm starving anyway!"
"Hi darling" Björn said. "Do you wanna hear the song?"
"Off course!" Agnetha walked into the room and took a seat in one of the armchairs. And Björn started to play and both sang.

Agnetha felt how a tear ran down her face. It was so beautiful. "Wow..." she said. "It's just some fine grinding left" Benny said. "That was so beautiful! And the song is perfect for Frida's voice!"
"Exaclty what we thought" Björn said.

They went out to eat some kind of very late brunch. Then they saw Frida coming lurching because of all the bags she carried. They laughed.
"Frida, that's so typical you!" Agnetha laughed. "Yeah, it it!" Frida shouted. "But everything is so much more cheap here."
"Yeah, you've said that..." Björn said.
"Do you wanna come with us and eat lunch?"
"Off course. Coming soon, I just need to get rid of all these bags!"

USA 1974Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon