the perks of being a prefect

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Fifth year was supposed to be the best year ever.

Rosie had received her prefects' badge. Her parents had been so excited about it that they'd bought her books, new dress robes, and an absolutely beautiful barn owl called Lady. She'd also been looking forward to all the new privileges she'd have as a prefect, including a spot in the private prefects' carriage on the Hogwarts Express, the use of the prefects' bathroom, and a later curfew. The best part of all was that she'd finally get to spend more time with her boyfriend.

When Jaehyun made prefect last year, it had been hard to work around their different curfews and his patrolling schedule. It got so that they barely saw each other, and when they did, they fought all the time. Rosie making prefect this year was supposed to make everything better. They would get to see each other more often, and they would finally be happy again. Instead, Rosie was spending her first night back at Hogwarts curled in Lisa's arms, feeling like her heart had collapsed in on itself.

"It-it was s-s'posed to get b-better," she sobbed into Lisa's shoulder.

"I know," Lisa murmured, giving her a squeeze. "It's not fair."

"Jaehyun's a cunt anyway," Jisoo called from her bed.

"He is not!" Rosie yelled, wrenching herself away from Lisa to glare at Jisoo. She knew she probably looked about as threatening as a drowned rat right now, but hopefully it was enough to make Jisoo shut up. She and Jaehyun just... had some problems. It happened, even to good couples like them. Jaehyun wasn't a 'cunt.'

Not like Kim Junmyeon anyway, a vicious part of Rosie wanted to add, but Lisa pulled her back into a hug before she actually said it. The remnants of Rosie's rational mind applauded her friend's quick thinking. Kim Junmyeon was a massive sore spot for Jisoo, and bringing him up would only hurt her. However, the larger, wounded part of Rosie's mind wanted someone else to hurt instead. This ugly part was somewhat appeased when Joy reprimanded Jisoo.

"Too soon, Chu."

Rosie felt the bed dip behind her, and she let out a grunt when Joy's not insubstantial weight settled over her back. Rosie shifted around until she got comfortable. Nothing was better than cuddling with her friends, than cuddling with girls, period. None of them spoke for a long time after that. Instead, Lisa's fingers began to slide through Rosie's hair in long, sure strokes, and Joy started to rub her back. Soon, Rosie's sobbing calmed and then stopped. The tears took a bit longer but they eventually stopped too. Only the ache in her chest remained, a twisted mass of confusion and hurt.

What hurt the most was how... calm Jaehyun had been when he did it. He'd said it was a long time coming, that they fought all the time anyway, that they should see other people. It had sounded like he was reading from a script. It had sounded like he didn't care at all. Like shattering her heart into a billion pieces bored him.

Her breath caught on another sob and she pressed closer to Lisa.

"It'll get better, Rosie. It's awful now, but you'll be okay," Joy replied, giving her a squeeze.


The first prefects' meeting of the year was the next night. Rosie knew it was going to be awful and, unfortunately, she was right. Jaehyun hadn't so much as glanced in her direction once. It was like she wasn't even there. Instead, his focus was on the Head Girl, Jennie Kim.

Rosie had met Jennie once before, late last year. She'd been trying to confirm some plans with Jaehyun, but he kept telling her that he had patrol right now and that he'd talk to her later. Rosie had known that 'later' really meant 'never,' and she was tired of getting the brush off. The only reason it didn't turn into a fight was because they'd turned a corner and Jaehyun's face had lit up with a charming smile that Rosie hadn't seen in months. She'd watched, speechless, as he sauntered up to a girl standing outside the prefects' lounge with a bored look on her face. Rosie had trailed after him, unsure of what else to do, and heard him warmly greet the other girl. When Rosie also said 'hello,' Jaehyun's head had jerked in her direction, eyes wide, like he'd forgotten she was there. His face had taken on a sort of tight-lipped expression then, like he hadn't wanted her there. Jennie, however, had straightened up and looked at her. Rosie had had to fight the urge to fidget under her unexpectedly intense gaze. A moment later, Jennie then turned to Jaehyun and smiled.

long story short (chaennie)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें