"i-i cannot I feel dying"

"don't worry guys you two go rest let us do this" the three girl say and two another girl behind her

"WAAHHH thank you save our life" yumi say her energy come back

"I'm sorry guys but if you feel tired just call me or yumi okay? "

"aye aye captain" the three salute and do they job

Yumi and y/n buying a food they go to near bench and sir down

"this takoyaki so delicious! " yumi say eat the takoyaki

"hmmm everything is gonna be delicious when you getting hungry" y/n say eating her peyoung yakisoba

"oh yeah after we done eat this let's go to ran class" yumi say

"oh yeah they make hunter house I hope ran become rannabblle "

After they eat like yumi say they going to ran class

"woahh that's to many people they got there"

When they arrive at ran class y/n feel disappointed because ran not cosplaying Annabelle


"wait!! You cut your hair just for this?! Aww man I cannot pull you hair anymore"

"hey I'm not bald you stupid!! " ran say

"oh you guys here" kakucho as the reaper, rindou as mono from little nightmare and izana as vampire

"woah you three look cool just for today" yumi clap her hand

"yeah you guys look cool"

"thank you btw you two look different today" kakucho say

"I know we look hot with this maid outfit" yumi say wrap her hand around y/n shoulder

"right izana?~~~" after yumi say that all of them look at izana

"h-hah?! What are you saying yumi?! " izana blushing look at y/n

'she extra pretty today'

"here" yumi push y/n

"you can go date with her just for today let's go you three come with me" yumi say choke the three and left the two behind

"so should we? " izana ask look at y/n

"a-ah let's go then"


"I cannot breathing here! Why we suddenly in the middle of the crowd "

"hmm to many people here... Let's go to somewhere else"

While y/n walking finally she see the end of the crowd

"sighh....finallyy I can breathing properly...to many people today right? " y/n ask look at izana

"yes" izana say his hand full of food,flower and mask

"where the hell you got that?! "

"for some reason, the passersby gave them to me they told me try them out"

"why do you mean 'for some reason' that's weird! "

"Maybe I'm to handsome today" izana say eating the food suddenly to many girl coming to there direction

"ah! I'm getting surrounded again let's go run! " he say take y/n by her collar


"where's that handsome guy! "

"I see him running here with a girl"

"maybe they go there let's go "

"sigh...finally they gone" y/n say sit behind the wall with izana beside her

"Here try this food" izana offer the dango to her

"it's okay i-im not hungry "

"here say ahh" izana smiling brought the food to her mouth

"tsk a-ahh" y/n open her mouth eat half of the dango

"how is it?"

"it's delicious..."

'this feel strange....its like a date ughh he not going to think this a date' she say in her head

"like a date right? " he say put the cat ear that fangirl gave him to her

"ehe it look good on you"

"are you read my mind?! What kind of magic did you use" she blushing look at izana

"haha we have a same though" suddenly y/n stand up and ready to all away

"a-anywhere we cannot sit here idly
In a festival let's go"

"ughh it's hot here " while they walk this two got stop by a girl

"just right there the both of you"

"yes? "

"Try our event call 'love game' test out the strength of you relationships"

"w-we're not a couple-"

"the rule is simple! " the girl say don't wanna hear what y/n say

"follow the designated and clear the challenges along the way and the challenges is ramen shop, card game table tennis and balloons quiz you'II be eliminated if you fail even once!
If you manage to succeed, the prize is this: a super premium ticket to the post festival event! But when you playing you cannot let go you partner hand well then, will you be able to overcome the trial ahead together?"

"we do it" izana say make y/n wide her eyes

"wa-wait are you for real" y/n say shake izana shoulder

"I want to see for myself if a romance between us is real" he say look down
Y/n just keep quiet look at him

"sigh..okay then"

"thank you for participating!"

Here the maid outfit

♡♡♡Here the maid outfit

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