"Im Harry. I'm an old friend of Peter's." He introduced.

"Oh, yeah. I know. He told me about you." I chuckled. "Sorry, I was in a rush."

"No, it's okay. My fault for being so cornered." He motioned to his spot in the elevator. "Wish Peter had introduced us. I thought you two had broken up."

"Oh..." I trailed off, wondering what Peter had told him.

"He said it was complicated. My fault, again. Twisting words. I'm sorry." He put a hand on his chest.

"No, it's okay." I accepted. "It was. That wasn't a lie."

He had bags under his eyes, yet he was still standing. That was the only sign of exhaustion. It looked like he woke up every morning and put effort into his looks and work. Of course he had to. It was his job to make himself presentable to keep people in his service. There was no sign of death on him. Not yet. And I felt bad knowing there would be soon.

I didn't mention anything Peter had told me. I didn't deny his idea or tell him it was better off not having any of Spider-Man's blood. It was a thing between him and Peter and I respected that. I was just here to hear what Peter had to say.

The elevator dinged, indicating we were finally on my floor. "This is my floor." I informed.

"I hope to see you again." He waved.

"Me too." I kept my head down and quickly stepped out of the elevator.

A tap on my window alerted me awake again. It was half past 10pm and I was already falling asleep from a long day. Peter was anxiously pacing back and forth on the fire escape waiting for me to open the window.

"What?" I whined, letting him in. "I'm tired."

I plopped back onto my bed face down and closed my eyes once more. Almost falling asleep, Peter alerted me with his presence again. This time he laid on the bed beside me and began rambling.

"Everything's a mess. My mom? My dad? Everything about them were lies. Everything. And Harry, I wanna save him because he's my best pal. And what if my blood works? But what if it doesn't? I don't know. I have no idea. I got nothing." He ran his fingers through his hair down to his face.

"Peter." I groaned.

I wasn't sure what to say to him. I didn't know how to comfort him without giving him false hope about Harry.

"Come here." I turned onto my side, pulling him into me so he could rest his ear against my chest.

He's been in a constant state of anxiety and stress. Between Spiderman, his investigation of his parents, his dedication to help his Aunt May, and now Harry.

"You're doing what you think is right." I whispered, playing with his hair gently. "And your parents? There's nothing you could do about that. They worked very hard, but your Aunt works harder everyday just for you. You're her motivation."

I wasn't sure if that's exactly what he needed to hear right now. If that's even what he wanted to hear from me. Maybe he didn't even come here for me to answer his millions of sentences he wanted to say. I waited for him to get up and storm out, but he didn't.

He turned, hugging me around my waist. He didn't say anything else. The silence lasted a few minutes to the point I thought he was asleep. But the way he traced small circles on my arm told me different.

"You told him about me." I played with his hair, deciding to mention it in the conversation.

"I had to. Why wouldn't I? He's my best friend and you're my girlfriend." He replied.

I was about to mention our little meet up in the elevator. Going against it, I stayed silent again.

"You're welcome for today, by the way." He rested his chin on my chest, smiling up at me. "Next time you gotta fight them if they're going to pick on you."

"Thank you, I suppose." I rolled my eyes.

He sat up, holding out his fists. "Show me how you fight."

"W-what?" I laughed. "I'm not fighting anyone."

He showed me his arm positions, punching the air slowly making popping noises with his mouth. "Here."

He sat behind me, positioning my arms like his. I punched a few times to make him happy. "I hope I'll never have to use this."

"I hope not either." He wished. "It wouldn't help. That's terrible."

"That's terrible." I mocked, high pitched. "Like I'll ever need it fighting a walking blue raspberry popsicle."

"No, that's too risky. I'll keep you safe then, but if those guards ever come back." He said.

"Okay, whatever." I curled up in his lap, my exhaustion catching up to me.

"Trust me, I will." He kissed my forehead. "In any cost of the situation, you know I've got you."

"I know." I yawned. "Right now the cost will be sleep deprivation."

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