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(( Chapter two :D I don't have a lot to say so enjoy~ ))

It had been a couple of days since you had met Ruv and since that day there were some thing s you had noticed about him. You had noticed that he never socialized with anyone at all. Other inmates had whole groups and gangs of people, coming together to keep each other sane and protect each other from the more violent inmates. Others created groups to seem scary and to hurt others and get away with it. Ruv didn't seem to care about anything like that, just sticking to himself and not even taking the time to look at anyone else. 

You couldn't really blame Ruv though, most of the guys in here were absolute idiots. You did notice that Ruv would watch from afar whenever there was drama. You had to admit it was fun to watch the drama when two gangs bumped into each other. You couldn't help but think they looked those goats on mountains bumping heads, stupid and trying to look cool. 

Ruv was always calm and collected though, even when someone was trying to pick a fight with him, that was the first time you saw Ruv. It was yard time and most of the inmates was outside in the yard talking with each other, working out, doing generally what ever they wanted to. Of course someone was up to no good, they had seen Ruv 'the new guy' and wanted to scare him, probably 'put him in his place'. This man was known for causing trouble with inmates and guards, never up to anything good. It was odd watching it from afar. A man who was not even above Ruv's chest walked up to him trying to pick a fight. The man was insulting Ruv and his mother but Ruv didn't move a muscle. It was fascinating, for a moment you thought the man was trying to fight a statue. That was until the man decided to push Ruv, of course Ruv moved no more than an inch. Ruv hit the guy straight in the nose, the man fell to the ground holding his nose and you could see a puddle of blood starting to form in the ground where the man was hunched over, wailing in pain. Ruv simply just walked away in the direction of the cells as a couple guards ran up to the man on the ground. Ruv was in no way helpless, innocent or one you could mess with to your hearts content, that was sure.

Whenever you and Ruv were in your shared cell though he was much more calm, sometimes you wondered of he was dead so quiet was he. Whenever you were in the cell he would always read books, even if the prison was horrible and not at all suitable for humans to live in it had a library people could help themselves to. You were tired of the silence between you two, you had noticed that other prisoners had developed either a friendship between their cellmates or a rivalry, sometimes even both. How did you know? The two guys next door were always talking about football, and when you said always you meant always, no matter what time it was you could hear them talking about football players, games and anything about it. It was fun to listen to whenever you couldn't sleep though.

Right now you were sitting on the floor leaning against the big bottom bunk of the bunkbed you and Ruv slept in, you had guessed someone had put a word in that Ruv needed a bigger bed than most. You smiled at the thought of the big bulky Ruv sleeping in the tiny bunkbeds that were too small for anyone to sleep comfortably in. Ruv was sitting in the bottom bunk reading some book like always. You wanted to break the silence but you grew more and more anxious by the second, socializing was never your strong side and it seemed like it wasn't Ruv's either. Ruv seemed very calm now though so thought this would be the best time to try and talk to him. 

"W-what are you reading?" you asked looking up from the floor to Ruv, you surprised that you didn't stutter up a storm. Ruv lowered his book and looked over at you, his expression emotionless like always. "A book" Ruv answered plainly, his strong Russian accent coating his words. "I know that, what is it about?" you asked smiling a bit at Ruv's statement and trying to make conversation. Ruv glanced back at his book and then back at you before sighing. He sat up and threw his legs off the bottom bunk, now sitting on the edge of the bed right next to where you were leaning against the bed. 

Ruv started explaining what the book was about and who the characters were, you had to admit it sounded like a very interesting book. Ruv hadn't read beyond the first chapter so he started to explain what happened in said first chapter. "You must really like reading, huh?" you said, taking notice on how well Ruv explained the story and his unique perception of it. "I am neutral to reading, I do not hate it but I don't love it either. It is a good way to spend time though" Ruv explained in his usual monotone voice. You nodded, understanding. 

You sat up from your spot on the floor to right next to Ruv. You felt a bit of anxiety start to build up inside you but you decided to ignore it for now. You looked down at the book at started reading, like what you had heard from Ruv it was a good book. 


Ruv tensed slightly as you sat up in the bottom bunk of the bed and started reading from the book in Ruv's hands. Ruv looked at you curiously as you read. When you had first met you seemed to be so scared of Ruv, even though he hadn't done anything but breathe near you. Now you were sitting inches from him reading the same book as him. He didn't mind it but he got more and more curious about you by the second. 

Ruv had noticed that before you started talking you look scared or anxious, you looked anxious all the time and Ruv always wondered why. Whenever all the prisoners were out in the yard you were off to the side in a spot Ruv knew that you could see everyone but no one could see you. You seemed to always hide from everyone and avoid other prisoners. During meal you would sit in a far side of the cafeteria, usually against a wall or a window, observing everyone around you. Sometimes he didn't see you at all, or he would see you sneak inside when everyone was supposed be outside. Ruv concluded that you must hate people almost as much as he did from the lengths you went to to avoid everyone. Yet here you were talking about and reading the same book as Ruv. 

You looked up from the book at Ruv. Ruv took it as you finished reading a flipped the page, you both reading the next pages at a surprisingly similar speed. Ruv had a weird feeling in his chest thinking about how much he related to you from what little he knew about you. The more he thought about the similarities he found between you two. You both were caution when first meeting someone, hated people and socializing. Ruv felt relieved he had someone this quiet as a cellmate, he had heard the ruckus of the two guys in the next cell over. 


Ruv flipped to the nest page as he saw you look up from the book. This continued for the rest of the day and night, the two of you sitting in silence and reading peacefully.

It was very late and the two of you had made it through most of the book, about one third of it was left when you looked up having finished the page. Ruv was still looking down, not flipping over to the next page. You guessed Ruv was not finished reading when he softy fell over, leaning against your shoulder. You jumped a bit at the sudden contact and looked over at Ruv leaning against you. He seemed to be sleeping as his breath was slow and steady, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. You tensed as you felt Ruv's hot breath against your neck. You scrunched your face into a grimace, trying to pull yourself together. He was asleep, he wasn't trying anything. Nothing was going to happed so there was no need to panic. 

You let out a shaky sigh and took the book you where reading out of Ruv's hands, setting it aside on the edge of the bunk bed. You stood up, keeping Ruv from falling and lied him down on the the mattress, luckily he was still snoozing peacefully. You picked the book up from the edge of the bed and sat it down in the bed side table which was placed next to the bottom bunk. You glanced back to Ruv wanting to make sure you didn't wake him. You felt relieved as you saw him snooze away silently. 

Letting out a sigh you walked over to the ladder to the top bunk and climbed up. You silently crashed down in your bunk, cuddling into the thin blanket you had to cover yourself. The prison was very cold at night so you held onto the blanket for dear life. After a lot of shivering you finally fell into a nice sleep.

(( After 5 hours of trail and error I finally finished this think :'D It took me way to long to write this and I am finally happy with the outcome. Like the last chapter it's around 1600 words. This took me way too long to write and I hope it isn't awkward or seems out of character. At the end there I was really fighting to urge to make the two cuddle in their sleep but I decided against it- anyways hope you enjoyed amma go spend 5 more hours on another fanfiction :'D ))

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