Chapter 9 : Arts Sand

Start from the beginning

Celica nodded

Celica:"Why didn't you tell the ARU People this?"

Raiden then remembered Rosetta's smile back then when he talked to her about things

Raiden:"Because i can't..."

Celica understood as she stoped walking and just watched as Raiden headed out far from where she can see
Dorm Room Gray Ravens

Raiden entered the dorm and was shocked to see a familiar small girl with a loud attitude

???:"Yeah Yeah! We're gonna travel to the desert! The sandy place and meet old man again!"

The Construct waved her hands above and shaked it while shouting Joyfully at the Gray Ravens... Liv and Lucia didn't mind it... But Lee... Well

Lee:"Can you atleast... Shut your mouth for a second?"

Raiden humped himself in the Door and watched the Construct pester Lee to the brink he may lashout
Also Raiden had a File his been holding

Lucia noticed Raiden just watching them and stood up confusing the other two

Lucia then walked towards the door

Lucia:"Commandant come in"

She said... Liv stood up and waved her hands in the air... Lee did a massive sigh of relief... But then

???:"YO! Its Raiden himself! Yey!"

Raiden smiled as the Small construct went to him and practically hugged him to death... Raiden sighed

Raiden:"Hello... Nanami"

Nanami:"Yes Yes Yes! Gray Raven Commandant Raiden!"

Raiden:"Still as loud as ever... My dear?"

Nanami:"Yep! I also managed to get some stuff for you! Like the EMP parts you asked and the mechanical Parts! Hehehehe!"

Nanami said and did a pose infront of Raiden practically asking for Praise

Raiden:"Ok Nanami calm down"

Raiden tried to atleast Calm her down before he would tell the logistics about the mission he is gonna need for them

And that Mission Need Nanami's excellent device figuring... And to top that he is gonna meet two people he didn't see for a very long time and some faces the Gray Ravens are familiar with

Raiden:"Ok Nanami can you sit down now"

The Hyperactive construct then nodded and sat beside Liv who was more than Happy to sit beside with... Lee just sat on one of the chairs while Lucia beside the Commandant

Raiden:"As you know... We've just returned back from our expedition towards the Artic Route and we have established a connection there... However this time we're gonna over see a retrieval of Humanities arts in general... The Dig team has been set their and are awaiting us...A Team member of Strike Hawk will conduct the usual clearing far from us and president Hassen has made it clear we are to meet a member of what they call The Forsaken"

The Three nodded but Lee had a question

Lee:"So why do we need this annoying brat?"

Nanami grew a tic mark and looked Lee

Nanami:"Who are you calling a brat! Old man!"


Liv defused the situation thankfully

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