Part 2

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H: That was fun
J: You can't just go around kissing girls just because you had a fight with your boyfriend
H: I don't want to talk about Landon
J: Didn't you invite me out to talk about Landon
H: No, not really. Since I became a vampire I've kinda lost feelings for Landon so tonight is an escape.
J: If you're unhappy then you should break up with him
H: I know and I'm gonna but it's just hard
Josie puts her hand on hopes
Hope then smiles and stares into Josies eyes
H: Let's dance
J: What?
H: Yeah come on.
J: No no, I have a girlfriend.
H: So? It's just some friends dancing
J: I know you and you're going to try and turn it into something
H: Good point. But I promise I won't
J: Hmm fine
They go to dance
Hope puts her hands on Josies waist and Josie holds Hopes hand
H: See this is fun and harmless
They dance harmlessly for a while
Hope twirls Josie and there faces are super close
Hope moves her hand down to Josies ass
J: Uh you promised you wouldn't turn this into something more
H: Then move my hand
J: I would but um-
H: You don't want to.
J: *giggles* no not really
Hope goes in closer and kisses Josie and Josie cups hopes cheek and kisses her back
The kissing becomes passionate and turns into a make out session
In between kissing
J: This is so wrong
H: Then stop
J: I've wanted to do this since I was 13, I can't stop
H: Then let's take this to the bathroom
J: Yes please

In the bathroom

Josie takes Hope shirt off
J: This is so so wrong
H: Then why are we doing it?
Hope takes Josies shirt off
They then have very steamy sex

The twins room

Josie walks in to find Lizzie and MG having sex she screams and immediately walks out
J: You have half an hour.
Li: Thank you!
Josie is in the middle of the hallway thinking if she should go left to finch's room or right to hopes room.
As she is about to turn right Finch walks out
F: Hey, I heard you yelling?
J: Yeah, Lizzie and MG are having sex so I need somewhere to go for half an hour
F: You wanna come to my room?
J: Uh yeah I guess

Finch's Room

F: So I went to your room earlier and Lizzie said you were out with Hope
J: Yeah she needed a night out
F: Did you guys have fun?
Josie has flashbacks
H: Hmm like that baby?
J: Oh you know I do!
Josie pulls Hope in and kisses her again
End of flashback
F: Josie? Josie!
J: Yeah, what did you say?
F: Did you guys have fun
J: Yeah we had Uh a great time
F: That's great

Hope room

Hope walks in to a massive banner saying
"I love you Hope" and Landon playing guitar
After the song ends
L: I'm sorry hope
H: I want to break up with you
L: Wha-at? Why?
H: Vampirism changes a person so I think it's best if we just end it now
L: Hope plea-
H: Landon get out!
Landon leaves
Hope sits down on her bed and pulls out her phone
She texts Josie
Hope🧙‍♀️🧛‍♀️🐺: Hey Josie, I broke up with Landon.
Btw I'm just gonna put what the other person has there contact name for when there texting
Back in Josies room

Josie gets a text
Hope🧙‍♀️🧛‍♀️🐺:Hey Josie, I broke up with Landon.
Josie ignores the text
J: So how was your night?

The twins room

Josie knocks and Lizzie says come in

J: So MG is gone?
Li: Yep
J: I guess I don't have to ask who you chose
Li: Nope, how your night?
J: It was fine, I'm gonna go to bed now goodnight

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