Those words Ajax told you, left you stunned. You thought they were the sweetest words anyone has ever said to you.

You couldn't do anything other than just freeze for a few seconds letting all those words process your mind before you started smiling.

"I like that answer, I really do like that answer a lot."

You didn't have a childish smile, or smirk on your face. You simply had a sincere smile on your face that was caused  by Ajax' sweet words that touched the depths of your heart.

For a few minutes there was a comforting silence between the two of you. Not the awkward type of one where it feels like a conversation has to be forced, or you want to escape the situation as fast as possible.

Instead there was a silence that was comforting, a silence where you two enjoyed each other's presence. The

Snezhnayan girl leaned her head on the boys shoulder and looked at the ships docked at the sea. The crates with wares not from Snezhneya, the seamen getting ready for departure, and the seagulls flying above everyone's head.

It made the two young children wonder what was could be seen beyond the sea, but that was a story for another time.

"We should be getting home by now, my mom told me she wants me home early because someone needs to watch Teucer."

Ajax reluctantly said those words. He loved his toddler brother, don't get him wrong. But he was maybe enjoying spending time with you a bit too much and didn't want it to stop. He wasn't crazy enough where he would leave Teucer home alone unattended though.

You looked at him and removed your head from his shoulder. You got off the wooden box and stretch. Ajax did the same, minus the stretching part.

"Alright I am ready to go."

The both of you put your hands in your pocket, hoping to protect yourself from the cold and started walking.

The two of you treaded the snow taking big steps to not get slowed down by the heavy layer of the snow that was on the ground.


(Y/N) yelled out being practically pushed on the ground by a Fatui member who rudely walked into her by purpose. The snow softened her landing but the pain she felt on her shoulder and arm wasn't one she enjoyed.

Ajax quick rushed to your aid, making sure you were okay.

"I'm fine, let's just forget about and keep walking to your house."

Any other situation Ajax would have agreed, he would let it go and not pay it any attention. But this made his blood boil for a reason, the audacity this mere stupid Fatui member had thinking he owned this place.


Ajax yelled chasing the Fatui member, making him turn his head and stop walking. (Y/n) quickly got up and chased Ajax she had  a bad feeling about this.

Their parents always said not to interact with the Fatui, just look down and avoid is what was told to them.

"What do you want kid?"

The man looked to be in his mid twenties from his posture. He had the fatui mask on so it was hard to tell what his face looked like but what was evident was that he obviously saw the two young teenagers as people below him.

"Apologize to her."

You kept tugging on Ajax sleeve telling him quietly that it's  better to just go but he wouldn't move an inch.

"What if I don't want to?"

The red haired boy just had a scowl on his face not saying a word but it was evident he was mad. To the Fatui member the young boy was the same as a cat hissing to him, nothing to be afraid of.

"You want to fight?"

Said the Fatui member walking closer to Ajax. Ajax didn't move and just slightly looked up, staring the fatui member in his eyes until he got punched in the face and fell back on his butt from recoil. Just like you did a few minutes ago.


You yelled out worried and rushed to his aid. The Fatui member was already walking away while saying something about stupid brats with no respect.

At that moment it didn't matter you were worried about him, you knew he didn't get punched lightly as Ajax was holding his nose and blood was dripping down painting the pure white snow with red dots.

He let go of his nose and you took a look at his hand it was fully covered with blood and by the looks of it blood was still streaming from his nose. You hurriedly pulled out your handkerchief from your coat.

You never understood why your mom put a handkerchief in your coat, you always made fun of her and said it was something stupid old people do. For the first time in your life it turned out to be useful, maybe you should thank her when you are home.

"It's okay."

You said trying to comfort him. You cleaned his hand and wiped the blood off his face before it could dry and harden. You tried cleaning his nose but all that resulted in to was him wincing out of pain.

You helped him get up and reassured him as long as he didn't touch his nose he should  be fine. But Ajax was still not over the fact over what the Fatui did.

Maybe if he was stronger, he could have seen that coming. Maybe if he was better you wouldn't have been hurt right now. He blamed himself for his weakness and cursed at himself for his mind. He didn't want to be weak, he hated it so much. But all he could do now was walk home with you and go see his little brother.

But he promised to himself he would never forget that voice and body type that belonged to the Fatui member. And when he would see him again he would take revenge for you, and beat the Fatui member up to the point he will regret being born.

Ajax got interrupted from his thoughts when you held his hand and lightly squeezed it.

"We are almost at your house. I know seeing Teucer always cheers you up."

Ajax could see you had a worried look on your face and were trying to comfort him, not trying to make him overthink.

"Yeah, let's just go home."

Thank you for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2021 ⏰

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