"Good evening to you all. Enjoy your cards." McKenna forced a smile to her face as she guided the children out of the dining hall and down to Aislinn's room, where Tyra said, "There you are, trouble," as she tousled Aislinn's hair. "Time for bed."

"Do I hafta, Mommy?" Aislinn's lower lip jutted out.

"Yes. I'll be back in a few to tuck you in, but you listen to Tyra."

"Oh, fine," Aislinn pouted, turning to stomp into her room.

McKenna smiled. "I'll be back in a few."

"Take your time, Your Highness. She needs a bath first anyway."

As Tyra closed the door, Selig looked up. "Mommy, why didn't you go with the Warriors and Sif? They're your friends, aren't they?"

"Of course they are." They resumed their pace. "Why?"

"Well, after Daddy's-" he paused and she didn't push. She waited patiently as he continued, "After that day, you sent me off to play with my friends because you said it was good for me."

"It was good for you. You needed the distraction."

"So, wouldn't it be good for you to do that also?"

"You're probably right, Sel. But I'm afraid I wouldn't be good company right now."

They'd reached Selig's room by then and he sighed as he moved to the dresser to fetch pajamas. "Mommy, I don't think Daddy would be happy seeing you so sad all the time."

She just stared at him. Such an old soul in such a young boy. And as perceptive as his father was. "Again, you're probably right. But it's a funny thing, Sel, I have no control over it. Maybe tomorrow I'll feel more like playing card games with my friends. Right now, I just want to read you a story, tuck you in, tuck your sister in, kiss the other two, and go read."

Selig tugged on his Teenage Mutant Ninja pajamas and climbed into his bed. "I talk to Daddy most nights, Mommy. Is that weird? It's like he's here with me and I show him the new tricks I've learned."

"New tricks you've learned?"

He nodded. "I found a book in Bestefar's library and he said I could read it. He said it belonged to Bestemor and that it was one of Daddy's favorites when he was a kid like me."

She smiled, sinking onto the edge of his bed and ruffling his hair. "I think that's awesome, Selig. He's probably so proud of you... probably bragging to Bestemor and my mother about how much talent you have.

"And no," she patted him through the covers, "it's not weird at all. Do you feel better afterwards?"

He nodded and she patted him again. "Then you should keep doing just that."

"When I get really good at them, I'll show you, Mommy." His voice grew solemn. "I promise."

"It's okay, sweetie. You show me when you're ready." She leaned over and kissed his forehead. "Do you want me to read you a story?"

"Not tonight, Mommy. I think I just want to go to sleep."

"Okay. Go to sleep then. Sweet dreams, darling boy." She kissed him again, rose from the bed and flicked off the light.

As she pulled the door by, she heard Selig murmur, "Daddy? Are you there? It's me, Selig-"

Her eyes stung but she didn't meltdown as she moved away from Selig's room. Whatever he had to say to Loki, it was private and she wasn't going to eavesdrop. Selig was grieving just as much and if this made him feel better, she wasn't going to listen in.

Aislinn and the twins were all sound asleep, so she made the rounds and as she was making her way back to her chambers, she swore she caught sight of Loki's emerald green cape flicking as he disappeared around a corner.

Her heart leapt into her throat even as her common sense told her that her mind was only playing tricks on her again. Still, her feet wouldn't listen to reason and she hurried along to round the corner. If she was fast enough, maybe-just maybe-she'd catch more than just a flutter of movement.

But when she rounded the corner, there was no one there. Not even a guard. It was just a long, dark, deserted corridor.

She was alone.

A heavy sigh leaked through her teeth as she sagged into the wall and slid down it to sit on the floor. Stupid imagination. How cruel was it, to get her hopes up, only to crush them flat once more?

She didn't know how long she sat there for, but when she finally got back to her room, the fire was low and the room was cool from the damp night air. She washed her face, brushed her teeth, changed into the shorts and tee shirt she slept in, and crawled into bed.

Ever since the night of Loki's funeral, her sleep had been uneasy, spotted with terrible dreams that had her waking up at all hours with a wet pillow and tear tracks on her cheeks. All she wanted was to fall into a dreamless sleep for one night. Just one night.

And finally, this was the one night her wish was granted.

Coming Home (Sequel to This Time Around)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن