The River

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He delicately stepped over small rocks and dried grass, careful not to disturb the ground too much. He would dump this one in the river. Easy. He couldn't bear to dirty his pristine clean suit again, no, that time was a disaster. He sneered at the crumpled garbage bag he was dragging along the dirt. The kill was far too easy, a bit boring actually. There was no struggle, so he supposed it was for the better. But he did like a good challenge sometimes. Ah, there's the river. He made his way towards the flowing stream. 




Both snapped their heads up. 

Damn it all to hell, he had stepped on a twig. 

Damn it all to hell, he had to kill another person now. 

They eyed each other carefully before noticing that they were both dragging...garbage bags. Sniper's eyes widened a bit, less visible due to his sunset tinted aviators. 

Spy's eyes widened a bit, but only barely. He was a spy afterall. 

After many awkward moments of silence, Sniper spoke.

"Uhh. Roight, um. We're just gonna forget this ever happened, alroight? I've had a rough day and I don't wanna have ta kill another person." Sniper finally cut the silence.

"But of course."

They both gave a short nod of agreement, hauling their baggage into the river. Spy hissed as water splashed and sunk into his suit. 

"Pft, wots the matter? Afraid of water, eh?" Sniper snorted a little. 

"Non, that would be absurd." Spy snapped as he frowned at the lanky man. 

Ah. That confirmed his suspicions. The man was French. And was obviously very irritable. 

And then they kiss lmfaoo jk

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2021 ⏰

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