at the dog park ~ hiddleston (2)

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what the fuck just happened. i honestly don't know how i played it so cool but thank the gods above. also let's just remember the fact that HE initiated that we meet again. just crazy.

im still hyperventilating on the inside as i look for cosmo.

i'm so excited but a bit scared after my last relationship. i got cheated on and i walked in on him and ugh it was just a mess.

but that was a year ago and i haven't even went on a date since then so let's hope i still got it.

my clouded mind slowly clears when i see my adorable border collie running around with a pug, it looks like. i don't wanna ruin their fun but i need to get home and stress about what clothes look the best and how im going to actually text this man.

i whistle and call cosmo's name and he comes running to me. i attach the leash to his collar and we're on our way home.


as we get to my door i scramble through my coat pocket for my keys and after a few frustrating attempts i finally get a good grasp on my keys.

i pop the key in, twist it, shove my door open and the sudden warmth of my home makes me instantly feel calmer.

i unclasp the leash off of my dog's collar once again and he goes off to relax on the couch.

i kick off my boots, shimmy my coat off of my body and remove my hat.

i walk straight to my room to change into some sweatpants and a fluffy hoodie. i let the instant warm feeling linger for a moment before i drag myself into the kitchen to make some hot chocolate.

with marshmallows, of course.

it takes a few minutes but when i finally have a pleasing cup of hot cocoa, i carefully walk to my couch. as i place the cup on the coffee table, i have a seat. cosmo is shivering just a bit so i drape a big blanket over the both of us. perfect.

i switch on the tv and look for a classic christmas film. ah, home alone.

the movie begins to play when my i find my thoughts coming back to tom. maybe i should text him. but i don't want him to think im clingy. okay i need to plan this out.

i check my schedule so that i can find a reasonable day and time that i could invite him over. okay let's see here.

today is thursday so what about a chill saturday? maybe at 4? yeah let's try that.

shit i have to text him now. okay everything will be fine. just text him.

i hesitantly type in his number into my phone and send a casual message.

hey tom! i was wondering if you wanted to pop by to my house on saturday with bobby. would 4 work for you?

i anxiously wait for a response. at this point i haven't even glanced at the movie.

while i'm waiting i change his contact name to 'tom:)'. okay maybe no smiley face.

i see three dots appear and my stomach instantly does about 5 somersaults. what if he doesn't want to see me? these thoughts leave my mind as i read the message.

oh hey y/n! that works for me. just send me your address and i'll stop by with bobby.

great! my address is *address*. cosmo will love to have someone to play with.

haha i hope so! see you then y/n.

see you tom.

oh. my. god.

i'm seeing him on saturday. im so nervous but excited. im really hoping that this goes well.



last part is up:)))))

tom hiddleston/chris evans imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now