One Last Goodbye (Chapter 1 Spoilers)

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This chapter broke my heart... I hope you enjoy! 'Cause I sure didn't!

Oh, and btw, I took out a certain scene...y'know, the punching one. I was tired while writing this and I didn't feel like adding it in afterwards. As I said, enjoy!


"You are correct!" Monocrow called from his throne. "The blackened, and the killer of Yuri Kagarin...was none other than Hajime Makunouchi, the Ultimate Boxer!"

You stood at your podium in shock. At that moment, you couldn't construct a coherent sentence to save your life.

"" was all you managed to get out of your mouth.

Luckily for you, Sora didn't have such a problem.

"...Can you please explain why you murdered Yuri?" she asked.

"I can't read him too well, due to those sunglasses...but he seems to believe that he won't be punished for his crime." Kokoro added.

"HIS crime? Hajime didn't do shit! This whole case was rigged!" you lied as your mouth finally started to work again. You knew there was no way to get out of this, but hey, fake it til you make it.

"(Y/N) is right! He didn't kill Yuri! There's no way! " Shinji agreed. Though he seemed to actually believe his own words.

"Monocrow would have told us if we had reached an incorrect conclusion with the votes," Mikado said as he stared at the firefighter. "So that is untrue."

Then the mastermind turned to Hajime. "You may tell them your reasoning, just don't reveal too much."

Hajime nodded. "I guess this is the end then. What a shame. I wanted to be a hero a bit longer. Anyways, I guess you guys want me to get this over with. We HAVE been here for hours."

He took a deep breath and continued. "You wanna know why I killed Yuri? Well, that's because it was my duty."

"W-What's that even supposed to mean?" Yuki stammered, asking the question that everyone else in the room was too afraid to.

"It means that I was working with Mikado. I'm a proud member of his organization, VOID. But I thought you would've guessed by now."

Your eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. The man you had loved so much was the one who aided Mikado in bringing you to this hellish island? No fucking way.

The boxer was about to say something else, but just as he opened his mouth, Mikado decided to butt in.

"But wait! There is more! Including myself and Mr. Makunouchi, there are five members of VOID. And all of them are standing on these trial grounds right now!!"

Everyone stood in terrified silence as Mikado continued.

"I guess this is farewell, Mr. Makunouchi. May we meet again."

Hajime laughed. "Good one, boss! But...isn't it time for you to tell me where to go? Y'know, so I can get out of here?"

The wizard gave him a confused look. "And leave a criminal unpunished? Impossible! Monocrow has already prepared for your execution."

You were frozen in place and on the verge of tears. You couldn't take any more of this, and you figured that zoning out was your last option so you didn't have to see any suffering

Then you heard a voice call your name.

"(Y/N). Hey, (Y/N), look at me."

It was Hajime. The one you cared so much for, the one who was about to face death for his terrible sins.

You looked him in the eyes. "What is it? You don't have much time left, you know."

"Heh, I know. I'm sorry I had to screw everything up."

"Don't blame yourself, blame Mikado."

"I'm just as bad as him, sweetheart, believe me. But I still want you to remember me for the good stuff...and not for killing Yuri. Promise me you will"

"Of course I will. I'll always remember you."

"I'm glad you will. Goodbye, (Y/N)."

The tears in your eyes finally poured out. "Goodbye, Hajime."

Monocrow suddenly called the words "punishment time," and you shut your eyes, unable to witness the horrific last moments of the one you held so dear in your heart.

Goodbyes are always so sad, aren't they?

Hajime Makunouchi x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now