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Tommy pulled on his red rain coat hastily, as he ran out of the house. He didn't know where he was going, but he didn't care. He needed to get away from his stupid family.

He let his feet carry him away, with little concern as to where he was actually going. He liked that certain feeling of control.

Lately he hadn't had much control over anything. In just a month his mom had died in a car crash, and his dad had moved his whole family to the middle of nowhere because he couldn't bear to be there anymore.

And also recently he had come to terms with being trans. But he felt like his family was too busy for him.

The only person that he had told was his best freind, the one who had cut his hair for him. But of course, he was left back home.

So now he had to deal with a dead mom, gender dysphoria, AND his best friend was left back home.

Once he came back to his conscience, he realized that he was up on  hill. And by coincidence, the hill was over looking his new house. Great. As if he needed to be reminded of it again.

He was startled out of his trance by a loud honking of a horn. He jumped back as a bike raced past him, much to close for comfort. The rider had on a strage mask, obscuring the image of his face. Tommy slowly backed up from the figure, but he lost balance and fell. He still contined slowly crawling backward.

The figure looked at Tommy, his head slightly turned to the side, before he flipped up the mask.

He was anything but a murderous creep underneath. He had messy brown hair, peircing blue eyes, and a mouth that was painted into a shy grin. The only thing that was remotly scary about him was the spider that was perched on his shoulder.

"What the fuck was that?" Tommy asked angrily.

"Hey! I haven't seen you here before. What's your name?" The boy asked, propping his bike on a nearby rock.

"What is wrong with you? You almost killed me!" Tommy exclaimed.

"Well, my name is Tubbo. And this is Shroud." The boy said, offering his hand to Tommy, as he was still on the ground. With the other hand, gestured to the spider on his shoulder

"Well, if your really concerned, my name is S... Tommy." He said, accepting his hand.

"Why did you say an S at the beggining of 'Tommy'" He asked

"Shut up." He muttered as he brushed of his jeans.

"Your name is Shut Up Tommy?" Tubbo giggled.

"I will not hesitate to hit you." Tommy said.

"Oh, okay! But if you hit me...I won't show you The Pit." Tubbo said, his grin growing more sinister.

"...The Pit?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah. Come on, lets go." Tubbo said, grabbing his bike and running off. Tommy was astonished that Shroud was still on Tubbo's shoulder. Not remotely bothered by all the moving he was doing. Tommy began to run after him.

The pair hadn't run for long beofre they came upon The Pit. And sure enough...it was a pit. It was a huge hole, about 5 feet wide, and Tommy couldn't see the bottom.

"Look." Tubbo said.

He dug his hand into the pocket of his green jacket and pulled out a rock. He held his hand over the hole and dropped it. It was falling for a good 20 seconds before the heard a thud.

Tommy was silent.

"Pretty cool right." Tubbo said.

"Yeah..." Tommy said.

"Well...Its supposed to rain today. So why don't we walk back." Tubbo proposed.

"Oh, yeah sure." Tommy said, as he started to walk back towards his new house.

As soon as Tubbo had determined exactly where Tommy was going, he seemed to be a bit put off.

"Oh uhm...Where are you going." Tubbo asked.

"There, thats my new house." Tommy said, pointing towards the place he was going.

Tubbo started to look uncomfortable.

"Well, uhm, I have to go home now. Me and Shroud say bye." Tubbo said as he hopped on his bike and peddled away.

"Uh...bye." Tommy yelled at them.

What a weird ass kid.

-726 words-

A/N so it begins :D

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