Chapter 2

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I gathered my stuff from the kitchen as quick as I could, and left that house before I lost any tears. I ran at the fastest speed I could manage through the woods, anxious to get to the border. As I jump across it and onto the soft ground, I collapse, feeling the tears start. Instead of breaking down right there, I get up, ready to continue, when I'm pulled into a pair of warm arms. Seth. " It's okay. " He tells me. I hug him back, and we collapse together right there, and I start to sob.

A little while later, after Seth managed to calm me down, we started to head back towards La Push, talking about it. " It's always Renesemee this, and Renesemee that. " I sigh, gripping his hand. I feel my heart flutter at the sight of our fingers intertwined. " I know, Beany. " He replies. " No, I don't think you do, Seth. You and Leah have always gotten along; you don't hate each other."

" Okay, so maybe not the exact same situation, but still. We all have our own versions of that problem. " Seth smiles. I scoff. " Since when did you get so... Wise? " I laugh. " Shut up and let me be!" He whines. " Okay, whatever. " I smile.

" Seth! Dakota! Get back in the house; We've detected a bloodsucker on the grounds. " Sam yells from afar, as we near his and Emily's house. I take pride in Sam's name for those jerks. " It could be me; I was around them after all. " I tell Seth. " Sam! Could it be Kota? " He calls out for me. I've never been really close to Sam, and I get shy. " No; we saw it. " Sam yells back, and phases.

I shrug, and we walk into the house. " Hey, guys! Who's hungry? " Emily asks from the kitchen. I smell the beautiful smell of Emily's Homemade Sausage Pizza. " I am! " I say back, dropping my bags where I'm at, and dragging Seth behind me into the kitchen. Emily is slicing the pizza on the counter, while Adriana, Sam and Em's 4 year old daughter, is taking out plates. " Do we need forks, mama? " She squeaks. " No, we don't, baby girl. " Emily replies, setting the pizza on the table. I sigh at the sight of their relationship, though I could never envy them. That would be to much guilt for me to handle.

Me and Seth take a seat next to each other while Adri climbs into her chair. "Can we watch cartoons, Kota? " She smiles her toothy smile at me. "If it's all right with your momma!" I grin back. This little girl is the cutest thing I've ever seen. " Of course it is. " Emily says, with a big smile on her face, flicking on the television. I smile. Seth and I talk more about what happened at the Cullen's, while Adri watches SpongeBob.

" Don't you have a power? " Seth asks, downing his fifth glass of soda. I shrug. " If I do, it's not very strong. Maybe it's one of those that has to be excersized to work. " I suggest. " I don't know, Beany. " He sighs. I push my plate away when I decide I'm finished. Seth is still eating on the gigantic pizza. " Is he supposed to be eating that much, Em? " I ask. " Yeah, it's normal. The already phased wolves eat just as much. " She answers, petting Adri's hair.

There is a knock on the door. " I'll get it. " I say, getting up from my chair, and heading towards the door. When I open the door, two cloaked figures stand there. " Hello? " I ask. Suddenly, Seth is by me, his arm lingering on my waist. The two uncloak themselves, and I gasp at what I see. Red eyes, pale skin. Vampires.


We don't invite the two in, and we don't step outside. " We've been informed there is another problem with the Olympic Clan, on the next land over. We've come to get information. The details on the problem referral we received says: The Cullen's have rejected a female half-vampire. She was very disrespectful and was a hazard to the family. " The one who reads is a man, by the name of Felix. " We're looking for this half-vampire."

" She isn't here. " Seth replies as smooth as ice. I can sense the panic from him. He's fidgety, and his expression is nervous. " Yes, our pack is searching for a vampire that has trespassed on our land. " I add, laying my head on his shoulder. " Thank you for your time. " The other vampire says, and they pretty much teleport away. As I shut the door, I glance at Seth, feeling worry settle in on my chest. " You'll be fine. " He promises, taking my hand firmly.


Sam called a meeting, scheduled to take place during the bonfire that would occur later tonight. In the meantime, Seth and I panicked. I hadn't done anything wrong, it was them. The Cullen's. The pack wouldn't attack just for me, because they wouldn't risk the treaty. I was special, but not that special. We were sitting in Sam's living room, listening to Adriana and Emily play a game, when I felt my cell phone vibrate under my palm. " I'm going to go to the bathroom." I tell Seth, getting up, and heading for the stairs.

I walk up them swiftly, and enclose myself behind the bathroom door. I lock the door, and answer my phone, ignoring the caller ID. " Hello? " I speak hesitantly. " Kota? " The person on the other line says with uncertainty. I panic, not recognizing the voice and immediately say: "Kota? This is Jessica."

" Oh. Wrong number. " The person hangs up. I end the phone call, and walk back down the stairs. Instead of sitting, I walk towards the door. " Hey Seth, let's go for a walk. " I demanded not nearly as casually as I'd planned. He follows my orders, and gets up. He grabs my sweater off of the rack, and we walk out. " Why'd you grab my jacket? " I ask as we shut the door. " You might get cold. " He answers. I shrug. " If I do, I have my cuddly teddy bear. " I smile, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. Then I remember what we'd walked out here for.

I put my serious mood in action, and turn to him. " I got a phone call. " I say, and he reaches for my hand. " Who was it? " Seth's voice becomes deep as he grips my hand tightly. I furrow my eyebrows, feeling as if my hand's going to crumble. " Seth... " I whimper, attempting to pull my hand free. When he realizes he's hurting me, he lets go, and apologizes. " It's okay. Just calm down. " I don't know who it was. But they knew my nickname. " It's not weird for someone to think Kota is my first name. People mistake it all the time. "So? What else did they say? "

" Nothing. I told them my name was Jessica, and they hung up. " I answer. "Is there any chance it could have been a Cullen?" He asks. " No. I would have known them. " I mumble. " Watch out! " I hear from behind me, as a blonde woman with striking red eyes pounces from a cliff, towards me and Seth.

InconspicuousOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora