Unmasked- W.M

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My first one shot, I hope you enjoy :)

Word Count: 4973


Nick POV
"Pietro go, I can hold them." Wanda said sternly to her older twin brother.

"I am twelve minutes older then you remember?" He joked.

"Just go." I smiled at their interaction, admiring how they had managed to stay siblings throughout everything.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves though. Let me introduce myself. My name is Nicholas Johnson, well more or less. That's not my real name. Like Natasha I changed my name when I went straight. My name before was Andrei, it means bravery but I chose to change it because it wasn't fitting. I wasn't brave, I had acted like a coward. Besides I needed a new identity. Everything that happened with Andrei wasn't tied to me anymore.

Oh yeah, and I should probably mention... I was Pietro Maximoff's best friend. My family and I lived in the apartment next to the Maximoff's and when the bomb hit, it killed my family as well but I was saved by a weird guy in mask.

Turns out that guy was H.Y.D.R.A. I didn't see Wanda or Pietro again, not that they knew of. I was kept in the same facility as they were once they volunteered. They didn't know. I tried to convince Baron and Strucker to let them go but they ignored my begging.

I had always had a crush on Wanda, how could I not? She was by far the most beautiful, kind, talented, caring person I had ever met. I didn't do anything about my crush though, I knew Pietro didn't want Wanda to date anyone so why would I be an exception?

As far as they were aware I was just Elemento. I know dumb name but what else was I meant to use as my superhero name? I have the power to control the elements. I have this spandex suit (like Spider-Mans) with a mask that covers my face so they never saw it was me.

Anyway, as Pietro ran off a few more of Ultrons robots tried to get to the core. I sent a gust of wind knocking a few of them back, while Wanda destroyed the rest with her powers.

A few minutes later Wanda let out an excruciating scream and tears poured out of her eyes. I was confused why she was crying to much but I went to comfort her regardless.

"Wanda? What's wrong? What happened?" I asked still holding on to her shaking body.

"Get to a boat." She commanded before leaving. I was left stood there confused but after realising there we were no more robots, I left to get on a boat.

Running over the rubble and debris I couldn't help but feel like this was our fault. It was our fault people had died and lost their homes.

When I got on the ship one thing stood out to me. A body, laying on the floor, Clint stood over it.

I recognized the blood soaken t-shirt. Shit. That's why Wanda was crying. Wait, where did she go?

I looked at my best friends body. He was lightly moving, very slowly though. Soon he would have no breath left.

"Piet?" I layed down next to him so I could see him properly.

"Hey Andrei." My eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. Of course he couldn't see exactly because of my mask but you could still see the change in my facial expressions. "Come on, even with your mask and voice changer, I know my best friend. Wanda would too, she's just feeling a lot at the moment. Once she's thinking rationally again she'll know. But can I make a suggestion?" I nodded and let him continue. "Tell her before she figures it out."

"I will, when the times right. How long have you known it's me?" I asked inquisitively.

"Since you first spoke three days ago. You know what else I know dumbass? Я знаю, что ты безумно влюблен в мою сестру. Your eyes are different when you look at her." (I know you have a huge crush on my sister) Ah shit. What do I do? Deny it. No he would know. Start apologizing. No you have nothing to be sorry for. "Relax man. You know I'm not overly fond of the idea of her dating, but if she's going to date I would rather you than anyone else. Go after her man ты ей тоже очень нравишься." (She really likes you too.)

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