"Is James Yardley in?" The man greeted, flashing me a soft smile full of mystic charm. The second his husky voice lingered in my ears, I became more aware of my appearance, and I quickly adjusted my dress and posture.

"May I ask who is inquiring?" I questioned, trying to calm my nerves. I was always nervous around strangers, but a charming man dressed so smartly caused my mind to swirl.

"Thomas Shelby. I was with Mr. Yardley in France. I have a few words I'd like to pass on to him." Thomas announced as he peeked around the room and slightly leaned over the reception counter. He pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and offered me one before blowing a cloud of grey smoke in my direction.

"Please take a seat, Mr. Shelby." I motioned to the chairs at the front of the office as a bustling group of workmen stormed in, my brother following them.

"I said the back door!" James shouted at the men as he tried to lead them in the opposite direction. There must have been some confusion with the orders given to them.

"Bloody, hell. Delivery men should know what I'm talking about!" James spat before following the men back out the front door. He noticed Thomas when he stepped in and assured him he would be back momentarily.

"Just as I remember him!" Thomas snickered, shaking his head in astonishment.

"You were in France with James?" I questioned, trying to make small talk with the handsome stranger.

"Yes... It's been over a year since I saw him. We started together as clay kickers." I nodded, acknowledging how dangerous being a tunneller was. James was lucky to be alive, and he thanked the Lord each day, even if he didn't believe in God as much as he used to.

"I don't think I got your name when I came in. May I ask?" Thomas shot me a playful look before inquiring about me.

"Adeline. Adeline Yardley. " I nervously gasped, trying to avoid eye contact with Thomas. I yearned to glare into his big ocean eyes, but mine were filled with anxiety.

"James's sister?" Thomas pressed; shock marked his tone. He was putting a name to the face. I wondered how he had imagined me. I hope I did his imagination justice. When he tried to peek at my eyes, I gave up. The moment we locked eyes, it felt like the world was no longer spinning. I was drowning in the depths of the sea, and I couldn't get out. I was so captivated by his big blue eyes that when I didn't respond to his question, he asked me again.

"Yes! Yes, I'm James Yardley's younger sister!" I giggled, shyly pulling myself away from him. Goodness, I looked and felt like a big idiot.

"Well." He began, gently bringing his eyes back up to mine. He was slow with his movements. Almost mysterious. It was as if he wanted me to anticipate what he would say next.

"I've heard a lot about you," Thomas softly breathed, blowing another gust of smoke in my direction. Instantly, my cheeks flamed a hot red, and I could feel the adrenaline rush through my blood. I wondered what my brother told this man about me. I prayed for only good things.

"I'm afraid James hasn't told me anything about you, Mr. Shelby." I clutched my hands together, feeling my palms grow sweaty from my boiling nerves. I was so attracted to him, but I knew I couldn't be. I was engaged, and being fascinated by another man felt wrong, but I couldn't help it. Young, tall, handsome, well-dressed men like Mr. Shelby never talked to me. And my fiance, Charles, was far from young and handsome.

"Tommy Shelby! Good to see ya, brother! Hanging in there?" James asked, rushing through the front door. He was a ball of energy as he slapped Thomas on the back in his type of greeting.

"Doing well. I was catching up with your sister here!" Thomas remarked as he stubbed out his cigarette. I watched the men interact before they darted into James's office. It was as if they were brothers. As much as I wanted to listen to their conversation to learn more about the Shelby man, I held my urge back. It would be a shame if they caught me snooping around.

Just as Thomas was about to leave, he nodded goodbye, placing his peaked cap back on his head. With or without it, he caused my head to turn to mush.

"We're having a picnic next week for me sister's birthday. I know it's not your thing, Tom, but everyone would be thrilled to see and meet you, and I'm sure Adeline wouldn't mind. Right, Addy?" James put me on the spot. Before I could think, I nodded and smiled, agreeing to his plan. Thomas shot me a spirited glance before leaving the shop with my brother. Goodness, Thomas left me with aching butterflies in my stomach! Even so, I didn't want Mr. Shelby to come and ruin my special day. After today, I knew I wouldn't be able to think straight if I was in a room with him.

"What's wrong?" James asked, nudging me on the shoulder. He threw his hat across the counter and propped himself on it, staring at me with confusion nested in his hazel orbs.

"Why did you invite him?" I demanded, shaking my head with unrest. It was my birthday, and my brother was inviting his friends!

"You didn't object, Adeline!" James spat, furrowing his eyebrows at me. It was evident that James didn't know that I couldn't think straight around his friend. A part of me was glad that he didn't pick up on the now burning crush I had developed for Thomas. I was afraid to tell James about it, so I agreed to have Thomas join the picnic. Maybe he wouldn't show. He didn't say if he would or wouldn't. Who knows? Perhaps if he did attend, it would work out for the best.

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