End the new beginning

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I just saw him kiss another girl. My heart sank and I felt a knot in my stomach. I ran as far as I could from the gathering of people. Going into a washroom I finally let it out all the pain, anger.

Tears violently streaming down my face. I looked myself in the mirror. I was pale, I felt light headed. My feets not steady enough to hold me up I was collapsing onto the ground. But- I didn't instead I felt your arms around me holding me up.

I look at you, you knew exactly what had happen. I stay there in your arms sobbing. Gently rubbing my back you let me stay.

None of my friends were there for me despite witnessing what had happened. But I'm glad that you were there. Your hug felt so alien yet so welcoming.

What I didn't know was what this was about to lead to.

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