Kiss Me More , Dream

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I sat at my desk, tapping my keyboard lightly as I played in my survival world. I had my playlist on in the background, playing softly out of my speakers as I was too lazy to switch them out for my headset.

The moving arm connected to my microphone was set off to the side, out of the way. I wasn't really using it, so there was no reason for it to be in front of me. I hummed along to the Arctic Monkeys song that was playing as I went around killing mobs, picking up whatever dropped when I killed them.

I heard a muffled crash from downstairs, followed by Clay's tea kettle wheeze. I assumed that he fell off his chair again, the image of it happening eliciting a small giggle from me as well. Usually I could tune out his loud volume, but I'm pretty sure he was on a call with the whole Dream Team and some other people, so he was being exceptionally intense.

After like 30 more minutes, the yelling finally stopped. I'm assuming Clay left the call with his friends considering it was getting late. I pushed the sleeves of Clay's hoodie up to my elbows because they kept getting in the way of my game play.

Seconds after it had quieted down, I heard Clay's office door open and close. Footsteps followed the noise until eventually the door handle turned. The door opened, revealing a very tired looking Clay. His exhausted expression leaned more towards an excited one once he saw me at my desk.

"Hi baby" I grinned, turning to fully face my boyfriend.

"Hmmm" He groaned, walking towards my chair and dipping down to hug me.

I gladly stand up, meeting him halfway. His lips collided with my forehead, making my cheeks turn a bit pink. We held onto each other tightly, not wanting to break the embrace yet.

"What are you playing?" He mumbled, chin resting on my head.

"Minecraft" I spoke into his chest, but it was loud enough to hear.

"Can I watch you play? I'm tired but I don't wanna go to bed alone." He had a hint of whining in his tone, showing how sleepy he actually was.

"Of course love." I smiled, looking up at him. We just looked at each other before I finally pecked him on the lips and pulled away from the hug.

I could see the sadness on his face for a split second when the hug ended, but afterwards he took my place on my gaming chair. I sat on his lap, going back to playing the game.

Soon after we both got comfortable, I felt Clay's head resting against my back. I could feel his breathing and heart against my back, only enforcing the idea that Clay was tired.

My humming stopped as the song playing through my speakers changed. Doja Cat's Kiss Me More started playing, and as soon as the lyrics started, so did I. I quietly sang along with the song, the words falling from my mouth like I was the one that wrote it.

I soon felt Clay's head move, as well as his hand coming up to pull away the hood and collar of the sweatshirt I had stolen from him. Soft kisses were planted along the back side of my neck and spine, causing a shiver to run down my whole body.

Clay's arms wrapped around my waist as he continued to litter the back of my neck with kisses. I giggled, pausing my game and turning to see Clay better.

"What're you doing back there?" I asked, more rhetorically than not.

When I was met with his stupid little grin, I got up, turning myself so I could face Clay fully. I gave him a quick kiss, smiling through it.

"Hi" I grinned, looking down at him. I studied his features in the dim lighting of the room.

"Hey" He smiled back up at me, eyes very obviously travelling from my eyes down to my lips.

He leaned up and kissed me again, this time for longer. Our lips moved together perfectly, basically to the rhythm of the music, and I could feel the passion that Clay was putting into it. I hummed against Clay's lips, bringing one of my hands up to his neck.

I pulled back, letting us both catch our breath. Both of our faces were red. I only gave it a few seconds before crashing our lips back together, moving my hands up to Clay's face.

Clay pressed his tongue to my lips, asking me to let him in. I parted my lips, allowing him. He grinned against my lips momentarily before indulging himself in the kiss again, allowing his tongue to explore my mouth.

Clay's chest rose and fell quickly as he huffed, trying to breathe through both the kiss and his excitement. I pulled away again, Clay biting my lip playfully and chasing me when I went to pull back. I just rested our foreheads together, letting us both take a breather. We just smiled at each other stupidly, in complete bliss from the moment we had just shared.

Can you kiss me more?

We're so young, boy

We don't got nothing to lose, oh, oh

Clay lifted me up, sliding his hands under my thighs. His lips reconnected with mine as he brought me over to our shared bed and placed me down gently. He climbed on top of me, kneeling overtop of my legs so he was basically straddling me. His hands planted themselves on my waist, gripping tightly for a second before releasing.

His grip on my waist caused me to gasp, giving Clay a chance to slip his tongue back in my mouth. My arms wrapped around the back of his neck, deepening the kiss that was probably already deep enough.

When we finally broke apart to breathe, we were both grinning ear to ear. Our chest rose and fell together as we tried to catch our breath through the excitement of everything.

When Clay tried to go back in, I placed a hand on his chest, stopping him. He shot me a confused look, which I only replied to with a shallow smile.

"We're both tired, love. We can tomorrow if you really want, but let's just go to bed, okay?" I used my other hand to caress his cheek while I stared into his emerald-colored eyes.

There was a slight moment of sadness in his face before he nodded and stood up. He undressed until he was just in sweatpants and climbed into bed.

I stood up, quickly leaning over my desk to shut down all my games and PC before I climbed into bed with him, giving him a quick kiss on the forehead.

He grinned, rolling over so his head was buried into my neck. We wrapped our arms around each other and tangled our legs together until you couldn't tell where I started and Clay ended.

After we were both comfortable, I felt a slight pressure on my neck, almost like I stuck a vacuum cleaner to my skin. I lifted my chin a little after I realized what was happening.

Seconds later, Clay detached from my neck. I couldn't see it but I knew there was a red circle branded onto my neck, which would definitely be dark purple by the time I woke up.

I heard Clay's sinister little giggle, followed by words, mumbled into my neck.

"I love you, Kat."

"I love you too, Clay."

Salem , One-ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora