"Hi hon... how are you feeling?", Emily walked in smiling softly at her.
Beastie was silent at first but shrugged,
"My head hurts", she mumbled sitting up.
Emily frowned,
"Do you remember anything of what happened last night?", she asked.
Beastie shook her head confused,
"No", she softly answered.

Emily rubbed her back,
"Well, I got breakfast ready for you. When your ready come and eat. You and Kim have a big day today", she smiled at Beastie.

Emily walked into the kitchen kissing Sams cheek,
"She doesn't remember anything", she stated seeing him nod taking a sip of his coffee,
"Good. I don't want her remembering that at all", he said. They didn't know what to do. They slept near her in case anything like that happened again. They were scared it would but she slept all the way through.

Beastie slowly walked into the kitchen seeing Jared, Paul and Sam at the table.
The group smiled at her as she sat down. Paul smiled at Beastie,
"Was sleep okay?", he asked gazing at her face.
She gave a small nod taking a sip of her juice Emily had placed in front of her.
The boys radiated heat around her and she loved the feeling.
She jumped at the sound of thunder,
"Looks like it's gonna rain today", Paul said taking a bite of his bacon.
Jared nodded,
"Guess girls day is cancelled", he stated.
Emily sat next to Sam,
"We could watch movies. Would you like that Beastie?", she asked seeing her take a sip of her juice.

"Okay", Beastie mumbled taking a bite of her pancake. Sam touched her arm,
"If the rain goes away I'm sure you and Kim could still hang out", he retorted.
Beastie nodded not wanting to speak. The voices were upset that they couldn't have fun with Kim.
She winced feeling how upset they were.
"Beastie", Sam noticed how her body stiffened and her hands balled into fists.
Paul along with Sam knew what was coming; she went to hit her head but they grabbed her hands.
She cried softly,
"Stop...don't...move....mean....MEAN", she yelled trying to hit herself.

Jared got up and went to the phone,
"I'll call Kim and see if she can come hang out here today", he said knowing that was why she was upset.

Sam spoke soothing words knowing that's all he could do for her at that moment.
Paul hated to see his imprint upset,
"Wanna see something cool?", he asked softly catching her gaze. She nodded slowly.
"Close your eyes", he said then looked to Sam giving him a nod.

Beastie closed her eyes but her body was on high alert if something bad was gonna happen.

Paul stood out in the rain phasing into his wolf on spot.
He shook his fur out slightly giving a low growl which signaled Sam that he could bring her out on the porch.

Sam pulled Beastie to her feet and walked slowly out on the porch,
"Don't be scared, okay?", he softly whispered.

Beastie heard a small whine, her eyes opened and they grew wide at what she was seeing.
A large silver wolf sat on its hind legs staring at her.
"Whoa", she softly spoke in awe at it.

"Can... can I...touch?", She asked Sam who gave her a small nod,
"Go ahead, he won't bite", he said watching her take cautious steps towards Paul's wolf form.
Beastie slowly raised her hand to its fur and jumped when it licked her face. She squealed with a soft whine,
"Gross", she wiped the saliva from her cheek.
The wolf gave her a grin. She stared into its eyes and her face scrunched in shock,
"Paul", she said out loud.

They were all shocked. The wolf whined flattening on its belly as she looked back at Sam, Jared and Emily
"It's Paul", she stated looking back at the wolf.
Sam walked up to her a bit hesitant,
"What makes you think it's Paul?", he asked gently.

Beastie shrugged nonchalantly,
"His eyes", she stated kneeling down in front of the wolf before sitting criss crossed.
"GodPa Harry... told me...legends", she said as their bodies sagged.

Jared chuckled,
"Wolfs out the bag and she likes wolves", he chuckled as Beastie nodded with a smile,
"My favorite", she mumbled scratching Paul's chin. He let out a low growl loving the feeling of his imprint not being scared of him and touching him.
In fact, she loved wolves and that made him love her more than infinity could.
Beastie giggled but frowned when Paul stood up on high alert, growling towards the road before running off.

Sam head the car as well,
"Beastie come", he said urgently as she ran, scared of what was going on. Seeing the vehicle, Beastie knew why. Charlie's car was pulling up and inside with him was Bella.
"Take her inside", he told Emily who ushered her into the safety of their home.
They had no idea what would go down.
In case something did, Beastie would be nowhere near it.
They would make sure of it!!!!

Unstable Love/ Twilight- Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now