A Gift From Death

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As it turns out, death is not as cruel and unfortunate as people make it out to be.
Rather its not an "It" at all.
Its a Her.
It was a lonely task of course, the woman dreaded seeing tear streaked faces and dying trees each time she was required to do her necessary work, and she never would have thought she'd fall in love with one they deemed as an angel.

His task was as daunting as hers, keeping peace and doing what's right is never easy, but he was a kind soul to all who did him well, forgetful at times, yes, he had been doing his job for a very long time as immortals usually must, but he meant well. He was deemed "The Angel of Death"

And the last individual we must address is rather sheepish in nature, in the fact that they are a literal sheep. A blue one, even more specifically, their name is Friend.

Friend had an important job as well, he took care of a tormented soul who had a horrid death that he hardly could remember,  Friend helped sort things out so forgetting things didn't hurt as much, they didn't have much of an opinion on the matter, they were content even despite the battles that seemed to occur rather often, so in a way yes, he was happy to be able to take care of his friend.

Unfortunately this came with a price, a price he was blissfully unaware of, he was granted immortality, a gift from a father who knew his son had lost far to much to suffer the grief of losing his beloved Freind.
The act was simple, The Angel didn't have to do anything at all really, but the power of an immortal like him was far weaker than some, so while Friend had a few mishaps with death he never could remember, it was like he had just woken up from a nap, yet he was restored to his original state and had to go through the dreadful cycle of being dyed, it made him itchy and he regretted allowing it to happen in the first place, but as long as his companion was happy.

However the old man grew weary, each time the sheep was brought back it sapped his energy severely, sure this wouldn't do him any real harm but immortality doesn't mean the absence of pain, nor the absence of suffering, and certainly not the absence of tiredness. He knew his powers wouldn't be strong enough to keep Friend alive forever. But he knew someone who could.

He ventured out with Friend by his side in the dead of night, seeing as he was being imprisoned in his home at the moment-  Nonetheless this was important, so he set out into the woods, deeper than most had went, to a simple soul one might assume he was lost, but he made this trip almost weakly, after all, what kind of husband would he be if he didn't visit his lovely wife? Deeper yet deeper into the forest there came a clearing, a glistening spring sat peacefully almost right in the middle, the sun shone through the trees on the grove in a serendipitous way and wild flowers dotted the lush grass, it looked like something from a Renaissance painting.

He called for his love, his accented voice tired as it usually was, but the Godess had grown fond of it. She appeared beside him as he wondered into the grove, her voice soft and gentle as she responded, he smiled and told her about the sheep delimma, as he had worried the whole way there she laughed, finding it humorous. He realized perhaps making a sheep immortal so your dead son wouldn't have to worry might have been a silly thing to worry about-

I know what you may be thinking,  "How would the Godess of death have the power to grant immortality? Wouldnt that be redundant?"
Yes, indeed, but you could never have death without first having life, death is allowed to give as well as take.

She warned the old man, if Friend were to die again they may not be the same, permanent immortality has a price and certain requirements, she warned, he heeded the warning but with great disregard,  he was exhausted and just wanted to get home, and with but a wave of the woman's hand the task was complete. The two returned home as if nothing happened, and no one was none the wiser of the events that had fell.

But as I said, fate is cruel, things rarely happen as we intend them, nations are torn down, friendships are abruptly brought to an end, people get hurt, things die. Sometimes all in a day.
Friend was a victim of one of fates cruel and unjust punishments.
Mere weeks after his companion had vanished, he met yet another untimely end, killed by the very one who had seemed to replace the one he was supposed to care for, he was different, war worn, tired, a man who had truly seen hell and was making sure everyone knew.

But, as Death had said, permanent immortality had its side effects. And for the first time Friend understood.
They awoke with a gasp and a profound realization of the world around them, this sent them into a panic as epiphanies sometimes do. Suddenly they realized they could think (not as they usually did about grass and bees and sheep things) but they could really think. They could feel things they didn't even realize they couldn't feel before. They realized they could genuinely ponder and meander about the complexities that were the mind- All of this and more if they could only stop panicking.
But they were really alive.


O k so there's the first chapter, I hope you enjoyed so far
I plan on updating rather soon and hopefully regularly
If you have any suggestions as to how the story should go beyond the next couple chapters feel free to let me know

I will say that I'm not familiar with every single little bit of lore so if somwthings off or doesn't seem right don't exile me or some shite, just correct me please
Not saying this cause ill cry if you're mean to me or anything

Have a lovely day/evening/night

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