Part 2 - Something Wicked this Way Comes...

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"All those in favour of throwing TheGentleman into the feiry lava pit, say 'I'!"

An eruption of 9 voices then shouted "I" in unison, each with their own level of enthusiasm. Grey then looked around and then gave a sigh. "Oh, Darn it. You got me... Barely had any chance to do anything!"

The Grey Crewmate was tossed ointo the Lava, and the Message was displayed:

TheGentleman was an Imposter.
0 imposters remain.

However, for no reason, the game just cut back to the main area. No Victory screen Played. Player and the rest of the crew were just standing there, so lost in the confusion that nobody bothered to try and move, they just figured they couldn't.

"Uhh, Player? I-What the heck have you done this time?" Captain then asked in a snarky tone, obviously coming to the conclusion that the Host was at fault for this. Dum then ribbed her Boyfriend -hard. Player then looked up at the celieng, wondering the same thing.

"Uhh... You seem like guy who'd be covering up small-brain play by talking trash, Captain-san." Ninja Retorted in annoyance. A few others then nodded in agreement. Captain then recoiled in annoyance, and then tried to bounce back the blame again.

"Well, Player here decided to ditch us on so many occasions! Like, He's the real problem here! I mean, He could have come back to Among Us sooner... But no. He decided to go AWOL, and for what?! A DDR Ripoff?! A Virtual GF?! Some... I dunno... Carpal Tunnel injury fetish?!"

Everyone just stood there. Nobody was even willing to speak at this point. Besides, This was Player's Lobby. He had opened this Lobby and let people in, not reaching for the ban hammer once. They were guests in his lobby, and they were ashamed of Captain's attitude to him, the first time that's ever happened.

"You darn buggah! You don just say things like that ta' Player when he won't even thro' beef in your direction!" Sherif then retorted and then moved to block Captain from getting anywhere near Player. Same with Angel, Ninja, Engineer and Gnome.

"..." Captain just wouldn't let up, but he now was speechless. The ivory crewmate then decided to storm off in the other direction, straight out the door.

The crew then turned to look at Player. Dum and Angel then immediately ran to Player's side and started to calm the scarlet bean down. It was obvious that there was a tension in the room, but for now, the atmosphere started to loosen up a bit. Ninja and Sheriff were standing to one side, and the Chocolate-Coloured bean then turned to the purple ninja and then silently conversed with him. The two exchanged their thoughts about the whole situation, and came to a consensus on the matter. 

Player was starting to think that this wasn't right, and he was about to bring it up to the group, but he soon found himself swamped with people wanting to know if he was alright. Player then broke down in front of everyone: he felt so guilty for leaving the crew in the first place. The ruby bean then pushed past the group and ran off crying. The rest of the crew looked on and realized the reason why: it was the exact same thing that brought them here that's tearing them apart...

Dum looked on in shock and sympathy at the door and saw the situation in a clearer light. She saw her brother's viewpoint, and at the same time, she saw the way her boyfriend saw him. She then turned to the group and then gave a sigh. "...uhh... I think that we've probably caused this. Player told me about the time with the zombies and how he should have been a better friend to Captain... I think that we should give them some time to think it over."

Everyone then thought about it, and actually agreed. This wasn't the time to bring up old conflicts, this was supposed to be a new lobby, but some people brought the old problems with them. Granted, it wasn't any one persons' fault, but the point still stood. The group then could see the situation a bit clearer, and the group then decided to try and see if they could find Captain and Player... just in case something bad happened to them.

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