Others Who I Can' Help

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Here I will vent about people I can't help in life, people I can't save

December 16th 4-5 AM : 

As I lay restless on my stiff bed I hear faint crashing and cries from my down stairs neighbours scared child, the sound of the child's pain from the physical abuse made me want to cry myself. I wanted to help her out of there, in a way they reminded me of  my little sister back at my abusive mothers, I started to think of my three siblings I also couldn't save. They all have to grow in her care, to be yelled at for playing,  told to stay in your room all day if you annoy her. I basicaly rised them for her , I would be expected to hate them. But I don't , I hate my mother , not them. They all lived with my mother, I'm ghosting her, so I don't have any chance of saving them now... I compared the fighting of my neibours to my life at my mothers, They were to similar... 

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