She worked to make a salt circle while he readied the offerings. He laid out apples, oranges, and lavender. "This won't bring about the fae, will it?" Jimmy asked. "It shouldn't. I guess we need to be clear that this is an earth offering. Not an invitation to those little fairy bastards." They laughed at her words.

They sat in the circle with their backs touching. Jimmy was facing the browning trees; Gwen sat in the sun. Leaves broke from the trees and swirled in the air around them. The red and yellow leaves landed in their circle, symbolizing the earth joining them in their spellwork. A broad smile painted Gwen's face as she watched Autumn bloom. The colors of the trees in contrast with the dead grass made her happy. There was still happiness in the greying earth.

"Autumn is so magical. Most people don't feel this way. They think that the earth is dying. But I feel differently. The earth is lulling itself into a deep, restful sleep. Nature closes in on itself and allows everything to idle. And when everything comes back into life in the Spring, we can see how vital this rest is." He said. His words blew through her ears, warming them in contrast with the cold weather. She smiled and felt her face begin to burn.

"You're so insightful," She turned to face him, "I'm so happy that I have you to share this time with. I couldn't imagine spending it with anyone more significant." Her genial words were important to him. 

After their meditation was finished they walked back to the boathouse. The trip was almost 10 minutes but it felt like 30 in the cold. As they walked  beside one another they could feel the energy from the circle. A warming sensation like electricity ran between their bodies. The heat flowed like sparkling water, crashing between them as if washing up on a beach. The pair stole innocent glances from the other as they toddled up the hill. Every so often their hands would brush together and cause a surge of torridity. 

When they finally returned to the house they began working to cleanse it. Jimmy started upstairs while Gwen did the first floor. She paid special attention to the music room. Only the best energy in here. The fate of Zeppelin may rest in this very cleansing. Winter air pushed its way through the ajar window. As much as she was warmed by Jimmy, she could feel her limbs starting to freeze. Haste was implemented to speed up the chances of windows closing.

The smell of incense was heavy in the air as they met in the living room. Their sage had burnt down and were left only with nubs of the sticks. They sat these in a dish on a shelf in his living room. Crystals and herbs would join the sticks soon. The intention was to bring luck. For now they settled on lighting a few candles. They were pink pillar candles Gwen had brought over, engraved with the X rune. This symbolized partnership. 

A guitar sat at his feet as they retreated to the couch. "Are you going to grace us with your musical stylings?" He laughed at her whimsy. "Of course I will. I do every time you're here." He picked up the dark acoustic and began to strum. Gwen could recognize this song. It always tickled her when he played something she knew. 

"But now they only block the sun
They rain and they snow on everyone
So many things I would have done
But clouds got in my way"

A smile was brought to Jimmy's face as he heard Gwen's voice. She sounds so lovely. I can't believe she knows Joni Mitchell. She's bloody perfect. I don't know how she's real. 

"I've looked at clouds from both sides now
From up and down and still somehow
It's cloud illusions I recall
I really don't know clouds at all"

She continued to sing as he strummed. The slow pace of the song matched the still morning perfectly. Soft sun peaked in through the curtains. The pleasant sound of the guitar filled the room. As they reached the fifth verse Jimmy joined in her singing. 

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