Ashton: "We were just friends"

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As I heard the final bell ring, I shoved my last textbook into my stuffy locker, before slamming it shut. Only to be greeted by those crater sized dimples.

"Ash", I grinned.

"(Y/N/N)", he chuckled.

I watched as he ran his fingers through his tangly curls, before stuffing his hand into his pocket. And I couldn't help but admire him. Ashton and I had been friends since the 6th grade when I accidentally dumped my lunch tray in his lap. I remember trying to blot the milk up that was all over his lap, but I kept wiping his you know what while he just sat there and giggled at my quickly reddening cheeks. And we had been best friends ever since.

"So, are you still coming over tonight for that movie night we had planned? My mum is taking my brother and sister to stay at my aunt's for the weekend." He swung his arm around my shoulder as we walked through the crowd of obnoxiously loud teens and out into the warm spring air.

"Only if there's popcorn. If it's just you and the movie then it's a deal breaker", I teased bumping his hip with mine.

"Oí, this boy- I mean MAN has feelings", he play pouted.

"Well then this boy man better bring the popcorn", I giggled before taking off in the direction of my house.

"Will do", he laughed, "5 alright?"

"5's perfect", I yelled from a couple blocks away as I watched him wiggle his fingers in an awkward wave making me laugh to myself.

He was good at making me laugh. And lately when he would make me laugh, it just felt like there was something behind it. I obviously couldn't deny how attractive the boy was. Every girl in our school new it, even the boys. And saying that puberty hit the boy, sorry, boy MAN like a truck was a total understatement. I felt giddy when I got to hang out with him, and I knew why. But I also knew that a 6 year friendship wasn't something to mess with, and that there was no way I was admitting my attraction to him unless for some unlikely reason he admitted to the same feelings. I literally laughed out loud at the small possibility as I reached my front door and fished my key out of my backpack.

As I opened my front door, the cold air hit my face. I made my way up the stairs to finish up my homework and then get ready for the night. When I was all ready to go I looked at the clock that read 4:47. The perfect amount of time to drive to Ashton's house. I grabbed my phone and keys, before heading out to my car and making my way to his house. The top 40 played lightly on my radio as I drove through the streets of the town I knew so well. About ten minutes later I had pulled up to the familiar house and climbed out of my car, making my way to the door. I never knocked, and neither did he. It was always open. The smell of fresh buttery popcorn hit my senses like a freight train and my mouth watered at the delicious smell.

"Ash?", I yelled as I searched for him in the kitchen.

"In here!"

I made my way into the living where I saw a mound of pillows and blankets below the couch and a pile of DVD's currently being sorted through by none other than the boy-man himself.

"So what are you thinking? Scary? Funny? Romantic?", he fake gagged after the last one.

"I don't care, you can pick", I shrugged as he grinned mischievously.

"Then scary it is", he smirked making me squirm in my seat a little. He knew how much I hated scary movies, but I always tried to put on a brave face so he wouldn't make fun of me. I took off my shoes and climbed down onto the pile of blankets and pillows before sliding a thin blanket over my legs. I watched as Ashton disappeared into the other room to get the popcorn, taking my time to admire his butt along the way. He always did have a nice butt for a boy. It was plump but not the kind that looked like a girls butt on a guys body. It was the perfect kind of plump.

By the time I had finished day dreaming he had come back into the room with the food and a couple of cokes. I smiled up at him, mumbling a thanks as he handed me my drink. After we were all set, he turned out the lights and clicked the play button.

Just by the creepy sound of the music playing in the background, I could tell that it was going to be a long night. I sunk down into the blankets hiding my face from Ash and the psycho killer on the screen. And just my luck, this movie wasn't like the other typical scary movies. It had no story build up that led to the scariest parts, it was just scary the whole way through. I screamed as I watched a masked man jump out at a young girl and stab her in the stomach, sending Ashton into hysterics next to me.

"Why the heck would you just walk around outside at night by yourself like that you idiot?! Did you want to get shanked??!!", I yelled at the now dead girl on the TV screen. I looked over at Ash who was now wiping his eyes from the tears he had produced while laughing at me.

"Breathe", he laughed, "it's just a movie." He had swung his arm around my shoulders like he usually did, but this time he pulled me to his chest so that my head was resting on it. I already felt better. At least until the next person was shanked a minute later. I jumped as I hid my face in his chest, feeling the vibrations from him chuckling at me again.

"Well I'm glad this is fun for someone", I groaned.

"Oh I'm having a blast", he smiled down at me. I watched as he glanced down at my lips and then back up to my eyes again. Slowly he leaned in, before his forehead was pressed against mine and I was positive that he could hear my heartbeat. It was currently racing about 50 miles per hour. I watched as he slowly fluttered his eyes closed, and in a moment of pure confidence, I leaned in further pressing my lips to his. I felt him relax into the kiss, and a few seconds later, he was kissing me back. It felt just as good as I had imagined it would. The tingly sensation that I felt when he smiled or laughed at me was now playing on my lips. His lips tasted sweet like the coke he had just been sipping on. I took it a step further as I ran my hand up his arm and over his bicep. He pushed further into the kiss, bringing his hands to cup the sides of my face, but I had to pull away for another breath.

His breathing had picked up to match mine and I watched as he kept his eyes closed, smiling to himself.

"(Y/N)", he breathed out.

"Ash", I laughed.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to do that."

"You've wanted to kiss me?"

"God yes", he sighed, "but we were just friends and I was too nervous to tell you."

"Well tell me now", I grinned as I scooted closer to him.

"I like you a lot, like a lot a lot", he giggled, biting his lip.

"Well this is awkward", I teased.

"Wait, what??", he asked worriedly as his mouth dropped open.

"Well I like you a lot a lot a lot, and if you only like me with two a lot's then it's just not gonna work out", I laughed.

"Oh my god", he laughed as he shoved my arm. "I literally thought you didn't like me back for a second there! That was mean!"

"Well good think you like me a lot a lot, right?"

"No. Good thing I like you a lot a lot a lot", he grinned goofily as he pressed his warm lips to mine again.

I could get used to this, I thought.

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