January 2nd 2011

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January 2nd 2011

Dear diary,

Well its day two and I have to say I'm quite proud of myself. Normally by now I would have given up on my diary but I actually came back! Well I guess I should carry on with my story..

So after the first one I left things for a couple of weeks. You know "laying low". Sure I felt guilt at first, I did love him, but the more I thought about what I did the more I realised he deserved it. How could he betray me and then leave me for another girl?! I was hurt and heartbroken, and he needed to feel the agonising pain he put me though. What's even more humiliating is that he left me for some blonde plastic cheerleader! I mean why choose the fakest girl in school, especially the queen of the fake, Natasha goldsmith. I mean even the name itself sounds so fake. I have to admit that I did have fun with the name, when I killed her with a gold chain. I thought it was both amusing and appropriate at the same time.

Okay. She was an accident. I didn't mean to kill her, it was more of a self preservation thing. For some reason (I don't know how) she got this notion into her head that I was responsible for her boyfriend’s disappearance. There was no way she knew it was me for sure because I was really careful to cover up my tracks.

The day I killed her was a Friday. I remember because I had maths last and she was in my lesson, which was how it all started. She began crying and wheeping; I mean enough already it had been 3 weeks get over him! So when no one was looking I offered her a ride home in my car. At first she was confused as to why her missing boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend would want to help her. But I gave her some bullshit explanation saying that I understood the pain she was going through blah blah. She was such an emotional wreck that she didn't even think twice. After that it was a quick trip to the edge of the forest closeby to where her boyfriend was buried. You should have seen her face; it had completely frozen into shock. I think it was then that she realised it was me. I wasn't just going to let her so then was I?! She would have reported me to the police.

Before she could do anything I lunged at her grabbing at her throat. I twisted the gold chain around her neck and put pressure onto it. She squirmed for a bit but I was holding the chain to her neck so tightly that she couldn't let out a full blown scream.

It took a while but her body finally went limp. I drove off the road into the forest again till I got to the same place I killed her boyfriend. I think the hardest part was getting her out of the car. She weighed so much! When I unbuckled her from the car she flopped onto me like a fish, I was struggling so much. I just let her drop after, oh well she was already dead.

So you might be wondering how I buried her. Well its pretty simple actually I've started to always carry around this miniture shovel you see, I thought it was a good idea seen as I was unprepared the first time. I actually had to go back home and find a shovel and then come back. It was chaotic.

I dug her a nice hole next to her boyfriend. I felt it would be nice for them both to see together. Who knows maybe they will find eachother in the after life (I doubt it!)

Anyways I'm off, my mums calling me down for dinner.

Lots of love,


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