"Do you know my daughter?" She asked

I nodded, "Yes I know her" I answered

"Then you must have meet her, my daughter has the beautiful smile and laughter's and I miss those about her, she works hard and wanted to achieve her dreams, but you see we can't avoid death. You must have know that Y/n died getting hit by the train on her way somewhere, Since then my daughter never woke up" she said very emotionally

"DID SHE DIED?" I worriedly said and I was in a total surprised which cause for the old woman to stare at me stunned

"She didn't, but my daughter is in a coma for almost a year now" she said

"Is she admitted to a hospital? Can I see her?" I said desperately wanting to see her

"I'm a doctor, my daughter is staying with me in this house, If you'd like to see her follow me, but be careful to move, you are not fully healed yet young man" she informed

I immediately followed the old woman to where she was going, she entered a room that must be where y/n's at, I was quiet nervous to enter the room but I still did it and there I saw Y/n lying on the bed having iv drip. You can see that she's very pale.

I get closer to her and touch her face, it was smooth yet a bit cold.

"How many days has it been since she's in a coma?" 

"For almost a year now" she touch y/n's hair and kissed her forehead 

"That long already" I mumbled

"You should go back to your room, I prepare our lunch for today" she said and was about to leave

"Can I stay here m-miss?"

I don't know what to call her

She suddenly flashes a smile which reminds me of y/n very much, "Yurima Kousei"

She left, I then sat down on the chair next to y/n and just stared at her.

How many days had passed? I was too confused, if almost a year had passed then this wound must have healed by now

Why would y/n be here in a coma for almost a year now, I ensure that she's safe and reach Japan back there but why is she here? Could it be she's not y/n, but no— I'm completely sure that this is her. Time is the confusing thing here.

Don't let it bother you for now Manjiro, you still need to recover in order to go back to Japan.

I've still got a lot of things to do after all. I've got to settle things with Kansai's matter.

"Wake up, Wake Up! Young Man Wake Up!" I was being shook by someone and I had to open my sleepy eyes

I saw Kousei-san wearing an apron, I remember that she was cooking something for lunch.

"Kousei-san" I mumbled

"You've fallen asleep on y/n's arms, you almost forgot that it's time for lunch already, now let's go have lunch" she said

I look at Y/n's face before closing the door and went to where Kousei-san is. I sat down on one of the chairs in the dining hall. Someone was there also but I don't completely know them.

"Who is he Yurima-san?" The male with glasses on his face 

Kousei-san serve each of our bowl some rice, and the other bowl for soup

"I saw him lying near the house unconscious with that severed wound in his abdomen, it's a miracle that he survived" said Kousei-san

After serving us rice and soup she sat down next to the girl across me

"Nice to meet you friend, I'm Matsunari Kyoya and this person here is my childhood bestfriend Shinichi Eri we are Yurima-san's neighbors" he paused

"And y/n's childhood bestfriend" he continued with emotional tone in his voice when he said those line

"Now, now, let's eat" Kousei-san suggested

I take my chopsticks and started to eat, but the moment I tasted Kousei-san's dish I felt a tears on my cheeks coming from my eyes.

I wonder what I'm crying for and there somehow I remember y/n's cooking. She do resemble her mother a lot.

"Hahaha" I laugh and wipe the tears away

"His weird" Eri mumbled and drink her soup

"Don't mind him Shinichi" said Kyoya

"I guess you wouldn't mind if I ask your name, Mister" Eri seems a bit distance to me

I eat the rice the same time as the dumplings and munch it before swallowing it on

"Call me Mikey short for Michael" I muttered

"Then you are Mikey" she mumbled

"Hm, Hm" I nodded

We finish our dinner I help with washing the dishes after that I went back to check on y/n before going back to my room which y/n's room. I bet this table infront were she use to study, she got a lot of books and stuffs she surely work hard. Her room is simple, her stuffs is for mature people. I'm stunned.

I lie on the bed and wondering if tomorrow will be a great day for me.

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