Harry Edward Styles P.O.V

"So...what was that with you and Niall?" I questioned as we walked away. I looked over at Edward who was looking over his shoulder at Niall. Once he saw me staring he turned back around and shrugged.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"I mean, why'd you kiss Niall? What's going on?" I asked. I was completely in the dark and I didn't like it.
"Oh. That was nothing," he blushed and turned away a bit. Edward blushing?! What has gotten into him.
"Edward, tell me," I begged and he smiled at the ground as we walked.
"He just asked me out. That's all," he tried to say causally but his happiness was coming through.
Once I registered what he said my eyes opened in shock. No no no. This can't happen. Why would Niall even think about doing that?
"But you politely declined. Right?" I asked nervously.
"No. I accepted. Anything wrong with that?" He said bitterly.
"Yeah. Something is wrong," I said angrily. "I can't believe he asked you out. He can't do that."
"Why can't he do that Harry? Why can't Niall ask me out?" He said angrily back.
"He knows the Gemma's off limits because she's my sister so I have no idea why he didn't think both you and Marcel were an exception," I said and his eyes softened a bit. He probably thought I was being homophobic or something. God no. I'm not homophobic. If it weren't for management, I'd perform atop the biggest float at every single gay pride parade just like Demi Lovato did. Love is love and I don't see how people don't except that. They can't choose to be gay. Just like they others can't choose to be straight. It just...happens.
"Why don't you want Niall to do that?" He asked.
"Well, I didn't expect that I needed to explain the fact that you can't date my brothers to them but I have said my sister is out of bounds. Edward," I looked into his eyes. "I don't want you dating any of them. Yes, they may make you feel happy but the odds are that you won't marry him. Therefore that means you two will break up and I can't have that. If you two breakup then either the band will break up because Niall doesn't want to see my face because it's too similar to yours, the band will break up so I can stay with you and Marcel because you won't want to come on tour with Niall or I have to continue my career and leave the Marcel and you at home and not see you as much as I want," I explained sadly.
"Harry, I hope you know that we're not going on tour with you either way. At least not for a year or so. Marcel still has his final year at college and I want to stay with him. I have high enough grades to get into college myself so I was thinking I could enrol and go to his school too. Only for the year because I'll drop out after he graduates but I think it's a good idea. He won't get bullied or harassed and I'll make sure he won't get stampeded but all the girls that love you. I'll protect him from the people who want to hurt him and the people that want to use him. I don't want to go on tour with you. At least not yet," he paused to take a long breath. "And I don't know if we'll go on tour with you the years after. Marcel is becoming a doctor. I don't know what other classes he's taking at school but from what I know, that's his career path. I know he's talented with a guitar and can sing so he could break it in the music industry but I don't want those four years of college to go to waste. And if he becomes a full-time doctor, then I want to stay with him. I'm sorry Harry but I love him more," he looked at me with guilty eyes. "I've known him longer. We were best friends and I don't really know you. The only time we spent together were long hours of silence, crying ourselves to sleep. Maybe one day we can be closer but not until he's better," he finished talking and just looked straight ahead where he was walking.
God. Hearing him say those words is heartbreaking. I felt my insides drop and I wanted to let a tear fall but I couldn't. He was right. I can't make them come with me. They both have their own lives. It's just a bit unfortunate for me that both of theirs are intertwined. That they will and have bonded without me.
"Hey, but cheer up Harry," he smiled at me, nudging me with his elbow. I looked up at him and he smiled encouragingly.
"Marcel really likes singing. Who knows, he may want to become a performer and become a doctor after he retires. I don't know what classes he takes. He may take stuff like music and who knows what else. I know for sure that he takes way more classes then normal people. He probably does all of them," he joked and I smiled.
"Yeah. I just never thought about what we'd do," I confessed and he nodded.
"No one thinks about what will happen next. We'll just have to wait and see," he smiled and turned back to face the front.
We walked the rest of the way towards the gate in silence. I don't know what to think. It's really worrying. What am I supposed to do? Just live my life without them? I can't do that. I can barley do that with just Anne, Robin and Gemma let alone my long lost brothers that have been through a ton with me already. We've gone through shit to get here and I don't want to through it all away and for what? Just some silly career and a bit of money?
No! Stop thinking like that Harry. This is all you've ever wanted. You've worked hard to get here. And you're just going to through it all away? What will people think? Don't say 'oh I don't care. People can think what they want.' We both know you're not the type of person that just doesn't care. You do care. You care more then you should. You cried when people hated on your hair. What will you do if people start hating on you for leaving One Direction causing the band to break up and end. You'll make millions of girls miserable and be blamed for the whole thing. Normal people won't understand why you quit just to 'hang out' with your brothers. You have everything you ever dreamed of and you're not throwing it away for two boys. You made a promise to the fans and you are going to keep it. "We'll be here as long as the fans still want us." Keep it Harry. Keep your promise. Thousand and maybe millions of girls are still alive because of you. You should take that responsibility seriously. They rely on you!
"Harry?" Edward spoke, looking at me worriedly. "Are you alright? What are you thinking about?" He asked as we stopped walking because we had arrived at the gate.
We took a seat on the chairs outside the gate as we waited for the girls to arrive.
"I don't know. I'm just stressing myself out," I shrugged, putting my head in my hands.
"How? What are you thinking?" He asked kindly.
"I'm just thinking about what will happen after Marcey-" my eyes shot open. Edward warned me not to call him that. I looked up to him guiltily and he shrugged.
"You've earned the right to call him that," he smiled and gestured for me to continue.
"Yeah, well, I'm just worried about what will happen. Marcey is recovering really well so if he stops reacting to his memory flashes so dramatically, he'll be able to go home in a week I think," I smiled at the thought of him coming home. "I don't know what will happen afterwards," I frowned again.
"Well, since it's late November, he has two months to get back to scho- shit," he said suddenly looking over to me in fear. "I need to do my exams. What if I don't graduate? Fuck," he said, hastily pulling out his phone. I looked over his shoulder to see he has opened twitter.
He looked up at me with fear in his eyes. "Everyone's saying graduation is in two weeks. I'm never going to make it. I won't graduate," he said and I could see that he was scared and fear had taken over 100% of his body. "I need to talk to my teachers," he mumbled.
"It'll be okay. Frank can talk to them too if you need," I tried to comfort.
"Yeah. If the FBI say I was needed means I can just forget that I missed the last couple weeks," he nodded as he spoke, trying to convince himself. All of a sudden he turned back to me and all fear had vanished. He smiled causally and took a breath before going back to what he was taking about before but as he talked I frowned. I don't like how he can hide his emotions so easily. That means he's had a lot of practice pretending everything's okay when it's not.
"Anyway, his senior year starts in February so he has like two months that he can recover and remember in. That means you have two months to be with us and get in the right mind set. Then you have a year or doing whatever One Direction does and you can come visit for a weekend as often as you'd like. After Marcel graduates and I drop out then it's up to him weather he comes and joins you and the both of us start careers in the music industry or he stays and becomes a doctor and I continue in college. Ultimately it's up to him. I never wanted to go to college in the first place and I know him well enough to know that he's always wanted to have something to do with music," he tried to assure me and it worked a bit. It is up to him. I know he won't want me throwing away my career so it's just weather or not he's with me.
"You look really down," he commented and I nodded. I guess my newer thoughts hadn't yet surfaced and changed my facial expression. "I know what will make you feel better," he smirked and I looked up at him. I knitted my eyebrows in confusion and he pulled out his phone and wiggled in in front of me. "Selfie time?" He asked and I smiled.
"Selfie time," I nodded happily.
He pushed up the screen so the camera was out. We smiled into his phone and he laughed at himself.
"I forgot to put my piercings back in. I look so much like you," he laughed and I slapped him playfully.
"That's not a bad thing," I said, looking at the screen and fixing up my beanie and my hair. He did the same with his backwards SnapBack and just shook his head.
"I haven't gone a full day without them since I got them," he spoke causally.
"Well, you look nice without them. No wonder Niall asked you out. Behind your rebel exterior which we all see through, you're such a cutie," I smiled. He blushed a bit before elbowing my.
"Knock it off Harry. I have a reputation to behold. If I loose it then you guys loose a free body guard," he said half jokingly but I could also sense that he was seriously a bit worried about loosing his tough guy reputation he must have in his home town.
"Anyway, smile," he said cheerfully. I smiled into the camera and he pressed the button.
"That ones a good one. Send it too me," I smiled as he went into his camera roll to look at the photos he took. He nodded and opened up his text messages before taping on my name 'Haz🐙' (I have absolutely no idea why that's my name, I'll ask him) and sending me the picture.
"It is a really good one, isn't it?" He smiled, looking down at it. "You don't mind if I post it on twitter do you?" He asked.
"Not at all. Go ahead," I smiled. He smiled back before opening twitter and getting the photo up. He put a black and white filter on it 💢picture above💢 and typed in a caption:
'Hanging with @Harry_Styles at the airport. Can't wait to meet you Dalia @Marcel_Styles will be thrilled. He's been waiting patiently 4 you🙉'
Wow. He's really good at saying stuff in 140 characters. And who knew you liked to use emojis?
He hit post and smiled. "I haven't posted since Sophomore year," he said to me when I looked at him weirdly. "And it was about my new tattoos and piercings. Before then I was a loser. People thought I got beat up a lot because I was loser then all of a sudden I got all these tattoos and moved because I got expelled. People at my old school were wondering what changed me and the people at my new school feared me," he added as he scrolled through his previous tweets.
"Shit, I swore a lot," he added with a chuckle. "I should probably delete all these since your fans and your even younger fans are following me now," he said as he deleted them. Now he had only one tweet on his whole profile and it was the one he just tweeted.
"How many followed do you have anyway?" I questioned.
"About eight million. So under Zayn but way more then Gemma," he said and shrugged.
"You follow Gemma?" I said curiously.
"Yeah. I followed a heap of people that associate with you. Since I met you I followed you, Marcel because I hadn't been on twitter since I met him so I followed him because I was following you guys. I also followed Zayn, Louis, Niall, Liam, Gemma, Simon, Lou. I also follows Niall's brother Greg and his son Theo's account. Not to mention some boys called Michael Clifford, Ashton Irwin, Calum Hood and Luke Hemmings who are an Australian band that I reckon Louis would like. I should show him their YouTube videos," he shrugged, locking his phone and placing it into his skinny jean pocket.
"Hey, so I was wondering. Why did you put that as my name?" I asked and he turned away a bit from embarrassment.
"Put what?" He asked back but knew exactly what I was talking about.
"Haz. With an octopus emoji. What's that about?" I asked and he shrugged.
"It's a thing I do. It's a bit of a habit I guess," he shrugged again, pulling out his phone and gesturing me to read his other contact names. I took hold of his phone and read through his contacts. He didn't really have much but they were all weird.
Bradford bad boy🐜
Turtle man🐢
(I don't even know how he heard the name Boobear).
There were also some people's names that I didn't recognise like:
Bitch🐶 I though that was a funny one though because a bitch is actually a female dog. I'm guessing that is Lucy though. I met her and think she's a lovely girl but I know Edward really doesn't like her so that's my guess. Some others were:
Bubble butt🐠
Dick wit🐁
All weird names and I'm really curious about why he does it .
"Well, you know how I got arrested a lot?" He asked and I nodded. I did know but it never really dawned on my. Wow. He actually has a record.
"Well, they'd always go onto my phone and read all my messages because they suspected that I was on drugs even though I was never high-"
"Were you? Were you ever on drugs?" I questioned nervously. Please say no, please say no, please say no.
"No." Thank god. "Not once did I use anything," he assured me. "It's just that I got arrested a lot and hung out with people who were in the drug industry," he said before he continued. "Yeah, so they read all my messages and would occasionally call them and get me to talk to them and pretend that I was at home and that the phone wasn't on speaker and in front of heaps of cops. After a while the people in my contact got annoyed with the constant monitored phone calls so I changed their names to some sort of nickname. Then when I called them I'd say something like 'hey bubble butt' and they'd know that we were being listened to. Not all of them liked the nicknames I gave them but it's better then being spied on. As for the animal emoji, I choose an animal that I think represents them," he finished explaining to me.
"Then why am I an octopus?" I laughed.
"Because you can multitask. You can have heaps of things going on in your life at once and you cope. Even before we came into your life. You had to remember lyrics and choreography, you had to be on your best behaviour 24/7 and had to perform in front of tens of thousands of people each night and not let your nerves get the bet of you. Harry," he said and looked up at me. "You're an octopus," he smiled which made me laugh.
"Okay, sure," I smiled back as he placed his phone back in his pocket.
As boredom slowly started to descend on us, I looked out the window.
"Edward," I said, tapping his head and accidentally knocking off his cap.
"What?" He groaned as he pulled his phone out of his pocket again and used the camera as a mirror to fix his hat.
"A plane just landed," I said excitedly.
"So?" He mumbled.
"So, it's being driven over here to our gate. They're here," I said excitedly, jumping out of my seat and racing towards the window.
"Really?!" He said excitedly, racing over to the window too.
We watched the plane stop and two people get out of it, escorted by two men. They walked across the runway and entered the building.
"They're only seconds away," I smiled, jumping up and down on the balls of my feet. I looked over to Edward and chuckled.
"What?" He said, looking over to me confused.
"It's just, your reputation is so different to the real you. Look at you. You're crying already," I chuckled. He sniffled and wiped his stray tear before nudging me with his elbow.
"Dalia can help Marcel remember. That means I'll have my best friend back, or at least have him in the right track," he smiled before looking back towards the gate. Behind the glass door, we could see the people walking up the long corridor.
"That's them!" Edward yelled, running over to the door, pushing it open (which is actually illegal by the way, don't ever do what Edward does) and running down the corridor. I followed close behind and laughed to myself. I couldn't believe how excited he was.
The girls stopped walking and stood still in shock. Edward raced towards them and engulfed the girl from the picture, so.... Dalia, in a huge hug. She stood still and just eyed her friend who looked like she was about to faint. I walked over to them just as Edward ended the embrace.
"I'm so glad you're here," he said before kissing Dalia's cheek. He stepped over to who I assumed was Jenni and gave her a quick hug too.
"Thank you so much Jenni," he smiled and kissed her cheek too.
"Oh yeah. Ummmm.... Hey," she smiled as he stepped back. He smiled at Dalia who blushed and turned away.
"Hey Jenni. I'm Harry. We talked on the phone," I smiled and stuck my hand out for her to shake. She laughed but took it.
"I know exactly who you are," she laughed. "Have you seen what I'm wearing?" She laughed and let go of my hand. I looked down at her shirt.
"Oh," I chuckled to myself. "I guess you've heard of me," I smiled and she nodded.
She was wearing a sky blue shirt with all of our faces on it as well as the Up All Night album cover. I looked over to Edward to see he was smothering Dalia in a hug again.
"So, do you want Jenni and I to go ahead?" I asked him and he let go of her.
"Oh, yeah," he smiled, rubbing the back of his neck when he remembered that the two of them weren't alone. "Could you? Please?" He said questioningly, looking between the girls. Jenni shrugged and stepped closer to me. The two of them had some sort of convocation with their eyes until Dalia giggled and nodded.
"Sure. I'll walk slowly with Edward while you two walk together and go meet up with whoever else is here," she smiled.
I said my goodbye to Dalia and Edward before walking back up the corridor, followed by Jenni as well as the two men who escorted them here.

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